- Return value: integer
- Counts total of instances, or # of values in an array
- Return value: New created instance of a class
Order.create(name: "Americano", price: 5.55)
- Return value: an array of values grabbed that match the plucked column names
- Extremely helpful when used with other selectors
# SELECT people.name FROM people
# => ['David', 'Jeremy', 'Jose']
Person.pluck(:id, :name)
# SELECT people.id, people.name FROM people
# => [[1, 'David'], [2, 'Jeremy'], [3, 'Jose']]
# => ['admin', 'member', 'guest']
Person.where(age: 21).limit(5).pluck(:id)
# SELECT people.id FROM people WHERE people.age = 21 LIMIT 5
# => [2, 3]
- Return value: integer
- Calculates the sum of a column
Person.sum(:age) # => 4562
.maximum & .minimum
- Return value: integer
- Finds the max/min value of a table column
Person.maximum(:age) # => 93
Person.minimum(:age) # => 93
- Return value: Instance(s) of class
- Can take various arguments, including a string, array or hash. A single string is often 1 argument, and an array can be used for multiple arguments, where the first element in the array is treated as a template. It can also accept a hash, with the key/value pairs you're looking for.
String example:
Client.where("orders_count = '2'")
Array example:
User.where(["name = :name and email = :email", { name: "Joe", email: "joe@example.com" }])
Hash example:
User.where({ name: "Joe", email: "joe@example.com" })
.max_by & min_by
- Return value: enumerator
- Good to use in methods, as its return value by itself is not a common wanted value. Looks for either the min/max values
Coffee.all.max_by{ |c| c.orders.size}
Coffee.all.min_by{ |c| c.orders.size}
.first & .last
- Return value: Instance of class
- Very useful in conjunction with .sort
Sources: rubydoc.info
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