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JConsole connects to Guest OS

What I want to do: Using JConsole, monitor java application which running on guest OS.
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First attempt
I couldn't connect to guest os, so I learnt how to configure the network between Guest OS and Host OS
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Guest OS configuration
I'm using Vagrant to manage VMs(Virtual box) on my windows. Basically what I need to do is to configure Host-only adapter. Default adapter is NAT. This is mandatory. So we cannot change it to Host-only, instead, we need to add another adapter which is Host-only.

This can be achieved by adding 1 line in Vagrantfile. "private_network", type: "dhcp"
or "private_network", ip: ""

Then you can see that a new adapter is added by "ip a". You can try pinging to the ip. In below example, it is
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Java option
To be visible from Jconsile, you need 2 options.

Connect as remote
You can connect to IPADDRESS:PORT in jconsole start screen.

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