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Areeba Farooq
Areeba Farooq

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Install these 9 apps to 10x productivity ๐Ÿ‘‡

Do you have a smartphone without these apps? THROW IT!!

Because, whatโ€™s the point if your smartphone doesnโ€™t make you smarter?

Install these 9 apps to 10x productivity ๐Ÿ‘‡

1. Readwise

Readwise allows you to organize and review your e-book and article highlights.

Spaced Repetition's scientific process resurfaces your best highlights back to you at the right time with the help of a daily email.

This way, you'll be able to review and remember critical highlights from the books you've read.

2. Routinery

Routinery is a popular app that aims to help you build and maintain habits (such as writing a journal, taking medication on time, or meditating) a part of your everyday schedule.

The app is difficult to ignore, and that's the point: the reminders annoy you into complying with the task.

3. Tide

Tide is the best Pomodoro app that aims at physical and mental care by integrating an app with sleep, meditation, relaxation, and focus.

Inspired by traveling, nature, and meditation, it provides massive audios, including natural soundscapes and mindfulness practices.

4. Anki

Anyone who needs to remember things daily can benefit from Anki. Since it is content-agnostic and supports images, audio, videos, and scientific markup the possibilities are endless.

It's a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either significantly decrease your time spent studying or greatly increase the amount you learn.

5. Zoho Vault

Zoho Vault is a password manager app that generates strong passwords for your accounts and safely remembers them.

Vault keeps your passwords safe and auto-fills them across your favorite websites and mobile apps.

6. Pocket

If you come across an intriguing story, you do not have to read it right away. Instead, save it to Pocket and come back to it when you have more free time.

After you've saved a few stories in Pocket, the app may begin to propose related articles that you might be interested in reading.

7. Scrivener

It helps you organize long writing projects such as novels, nonfiction books, academic papers, and even scripts.

Scrivener has many tools to help you edit more efficiently, correcting simple errors or restructuring entire sections and chapters.

8. Two Bird

Twobird helps you focus on just the conversations, tasks, notes, and events that are important now, and clear out the things that can wait.

Twobird will filter your emails on a priority basis keeping everything under control and in context, for an easier day.

9. LockScreen Calendar

This app will replace your regular lock screen with your calendar.

The moment you hit the power button on your phone, this calendar will be waiting for you showing the tasks which need your attention.

Comment any app you use for a productive day.

Top comments (1)

jschleigher profile image
James Schleigher

Thank you for sharing! Some of these apps are unfamiliar to me, but some sound interesting! Will try these out soon. I have also become more organized and productive by using task management software. Some of the great apps I've tried are Trello and Quire. Both are great tools!