In JavaScript, operators are symbols that perform specific actions on one or more values (called operands). For example, the +
operator adds two numbers together, while the -
operator subtracts one number from another.
There are many different types of operators in JavaScript, each with its own specific purpose. Some of the most common operators include:
Arithmetic operators: These operators are used to perform mathematical operations, such as addition (
), subtraction (-
), multiplication (*
), and division (/
). -
Comparison operators: These operators are used to compare two values, such as
(greater than),<
(less than), and==
(equal to). -
Logical operators: These operators are used to combine multiple conditions, such as
(or), and!
(not). -
Assignment operators: These operators are used to assign a value to a variable, such as
(add and assign), and-=
(subtract and assign).
Here are some examples of how operators can be used in JavaScript:
// Arithmetic operators
let x = 5 + 3; // x is now 8
let y = 10 - 2; // y is now 8
let z = 4 * 2; // z is now 8
// Comparison operators
let a = 5 > 3; // a is now true
let b = 10 < 2; // b is now false
let c = 4 == 2; // c is now false
// Logical operators
let d = true && false; // d is now false
let e = true || false; // e is now true
let f = !true; // f is now false
// Assignment operators
let g = 5; // g is now 5
g += 3; // g is now 8
g -= 2; // g is now 6
Operators are an essential part of the JavaScript language, and they are used in almost every JavaScript program.
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