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Cover image for Interactive Microservices as an Alternative to Micro Front-Ends
Doğa Armangil
Doğa Armangil

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Interactive Microservices as an Alternative to Micro Front-Ends


❝Interactive Microservices as an Alternative to Micro Front-Ends for Modularizing the UI Layer❞

As you may know, the rate of adoption for micro front-ends have been tepid so far, and as a result monolithic frontends remain a significant impediment for microservices architectures. Qworum is a solution to this issue which plagues large-scale software systems.

Qworum is a frontend PaaS that brings all the benefits of microservices to the UI layer, and makes web UIs fully compatible with microservices architectures. 

Qworum is pioneering several industry-firsts:

  • a new type of microservice (the interactive microservice), 
  • a new type of web API (the multi-phase web API), 
  • a platform for distributed web applications,
  • a new type of web (Qworum’s Service Web is about interlinked microservices, whereas the World Wide Web and the Semantic Web are about interlinked content).

Qworum’s “everything is a microservice, including applications” UI paradigm and the “micro frontends plus container applications” UI paradigm

Qworum’s “everything is a microservice, including applications” UI paradigm and the “micro frontends plus container applications” UI paradigm

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