
Cover image for Comprehensive Tutorial: Exploring Seaborn Lineplot
Arum Puri
Arum Puri

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Comprehensive Tutorial: Exploring Seaborn Lineplot

Seaborn's lineplot is a powerful tool for visualizing trends and relationships in your data. In this tutorial, we’ll use lineplot to analyze how student attendance impacts exam scores, customizing our visualization with colors, markers, styles, and more.

Who is This Tutorial For?

This tutorial is designed for those who:

  • Have experience using Python and libraries like Pandas.

  • Familiarity with code editors such as Visual Studio Code, Jupyter Notebook, or similar tools is recommended. For this tutorial, we’ll be using Visual Studio Code.

  • Ensure that Matplotlib and Seaborn are installed on your system. If you encounter any issues during installation, refer to the Matplotlib documentation and Seaborn documentation for guidance.

If you're new to Pandas, check out this Pandas crash course to get started.

What You'll Learn

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll know how to:

  1. Load and prepare a dataset.
  2. Create basic and enhanced line plots.
  3. Customize plots using attributes like background styles, colors, error bars, markers, and more.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Project

Download the Dataset

  1. Download the Student Performance Factors dataset from Kaggle.
  2. Extract the ZIP file and locate StudentPerformanceFactors.csv.

Organize Your Files

  1. Create a folder named data_visualization.
  2. Move the dataset to this folder.
  3. Create a new Python script file named

Step 2: Loading the Dataset

Start loading the data into a Pandas DataFrame.

Import the libraries.

# Import libraries
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

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Loading Data

# Path of the file to read
filepath = "StudentPerformanceFactors.csv"

# Fill in the line below to read the file into a variable data
student_data= pd.read_csv(filepath)

# View the first few rows of the dataset
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If your dataset is located in a different folder, update filepath to reflect the correct relative path.

Step 3: Creating a Basic Line Plot

We’ll start by plotting how attendance affects exam scores.

Basic line plot

# Basic line plot
# This line is where you will change your code
sns.lineplot(data=student_data, x="Attendance", y="Exam_Score")

# Add title and labels
plt.title("How Attendance Affects Exam Scores")
plt.xlabel("Attendance (days)")
plt.ylabel("Exam Score")

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Execute the code by running python3 in the command line each time you want to test your changes.

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Step 4: Enhancing the Visualization

1. Adding Categories with Hue
Add hue attribute to add a gender category on your graph.

sns.lineplot(data=student_data, x="Attendance", y="Exam_Score", hue="Gender")
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2. Customizing Colors
Use either predefined palettes or define custom colors.

Use a Predefined Palette

# Use a predefined palette
sns.lineplot(data=student_data, x="Attendance", y="Exam_Score", hue="Gender", palette="coolwarm")

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Use a Custom Palette

# Define and apply a custom color palette
custom_palette = sns.color_palette(["#FF5733", "#33FF57"])  # Hex colors
sns.lineplot(data=student_data, x="Attendance", y="Exam_Score", hue="Gender", palette=custom_palette)

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Step 5: Adding Additional Attributes

1. Error Bars
Visualize variability or confidence intervals using the errorbar attribute.

# Add error bars (standard deviation)
sns.lineplot(data=student_data, x="Attendance", y="Exam_Score", hue="Gender", errorbar="sd")

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2. Differentiating Line Styles
Use the style attribute to represent categories with different line patterns.

# Differentiate line styles by gender
sns.lineplot(data=student_data, x="Attendance", y="Exam_Score", hue="Gender", style="Gender")

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3. Customize Line Dashes

# Apply custom dashes for different categories
sns.lineplot(data=student_data, x="Attendance", y="Exam_Score", hue="Gender", style="Gender", dashes=[(2, 2), (4, 4)])

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4. Add Markers to Highlight Data Points

# Add markers to the plot
sns.lineplot(data=student_data, x="Attendance", y="Exam_Score", hue="Gender", style="Gender", markers=True, dashes=False)

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Step 6: Combining All Features

Finally, all these features are combined into a comprehensive line plot.

# Comprehensive line plot

    dashes=[(2, 2), (4, 4)],

# Add title and axis labels
plt.title("Comprehensive Line Plot: Attendance vs Exam Scores")
plt.xlabel("Attendance (days)")
plt.ylabel("Exam Score")

# Show the plot

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Step 7: Additional Customizations

Change Background Color

# Customize background color
plt.gca().set_facecolor("#EAEAF2")  # Light greyish-blue

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Seaborn’s lineplot is a flexible and customizable tool for visualizing data trends. In this tutorial, you’ve learned to:

  1. Create basic and enhanced line plots.
  2. Use features like hue, palette, errorbar, style, and markers.

Want to learn more? Check out my Seaborn Cheatsheet or read the Plot Selection Guide for inspiration on choosing the right plot for your data.

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