Hi All,
This is my first post ever, excuse me if something not right in my writings
Just to give little background about my self before I dive into the topic, I have been working in the frontend around 5+ years mostly in the frameworks, started with Angularjs, angular, express and reactjs, typescript, ionic and lot of other stuffs in this journey.
I keep wondering whats coming next and where should I focus and invest time to climb up in my career ladder? As many things I see my learning interest, One answer I have found myself to the question is to look at the job openings and their JD to find out whats hot in the market and I try to align myself with my current project or a separate learning and also helps me to prioritize my wish list.
Recently I came up with a thought has to have set of learning plans for the month and just stay focused on those 1 or two items for the month, rather than trying to attempt too many things or nothing.
Here is what I have and plans for next month,
For October:
- I did go through nodejs project architecture from this blog post bullet proof nodejs.
- implemented CRUD operations with express to build a user management
and nothing more than that I can think off.
For next month:
- would like to concentrate on building nodejs project with express
- fundamentals of mongodb
- build REST API with project architecture
- upgrade myself to the react 16.8
So my goal are around aligning myself as backend developer and improving on the Frontend skills I have been working.
Now comes moto behind by writing a blog post like this,
- I can keep track my learning and have focus on something by setting a monthly goal
- I can see your goals and directions in the learning, so that I can get improvements for the next month planning
- And I can keep sharing something with other developers to improve my writing
So help me with your learning plans and views on this,
Whats there in your wish list and may I know why?
Top comments (10)
Best thing you can do!
For me, im trying to sort out the best JAMStack for static sites. We'll see how that goes.
Good luck with Mongo! Its a lot of fun.
Hey Jared what technologies are you choosing for JAMstack, I've built two side projects one with Gatsbyjs and one with Nextjs and it was a fun experience. Good luck!
Gatsby for sure (I've built two sites with that before and loved it). The flow I'm trying to sort out is the CMS. I'm either going go with Contentful or NetlifyCMS most likely.
Can I get reference on those two projects if they are public, interested in Gatsby
Unfortunately, they aren't public. They were for a client that didn't end up using them ๐. However, check out Levelup tuts free gatsby course for a great intro to Gatsby
For the month of November I plan on dedicating a lot of time to job hunting as well as continuing to work in side projects using React. Right Now I am building an ecommerce store so will be finishing that up in November. Great first post! Hope to see more posts from you and good luck!
NestJs, MongoDB, stenciljs, solidjs, web audio api
aws architect certification & reactJS
Three.JS and react-three-fiber
Oh, and welcome!