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Why Did Windows Introduce PowerShell Instead of Upgrading CMD?

Windows introduced PowerShell as a new shell instead of upgrading Command Prompt (cmd.exe) due to several fundamental limitations of CMD. Below are the key reasons:

1. CMD Was Too Limited for Modern Automation

  • CMD was originally designed for simple command execution and batch scripting.
  • It lacked advanced scripting capabilities, making automation difficult.
  • Example: CMD handles only text-based output, whereas PowerShell works with structured objects.

2. Need for Object-Oriented Processing

  • CMD processes only plain text, making it harder to work with system data.
  • PowerShell is built on .NET, allowing commands to handle objects instead of just text.

Example: Fetching running processes


 tasklist | findstr "chrome"
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(Filters plain text output)


 Get-Process chrome
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(Directly fetches process objects)

3. Better System Administration & Integration with Windows

  • CMD lacks built-in support for system administration tasks like managing services, registry, and Active Directory.
  • PowerShell provides cmdlets (Get-Service, Set-ExecutionPolicy) for deep system control.

Example: Restarting a service


 net stop spooler && net start spooler
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 Restart-Service -Name Spooler
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4. Advanced Scripting & Programming Capabilities

  • CMD scripts (.bat files) are very basic and hard to maintain.
  • PowerShell supports:
    • Variables, loops, conditions (if, foreach, try-catch).
    • Modules & functions for better reusability.
    • Error handling using structured exception management.

5. Cross-Platform Support (PowerShell Core)

  • CMD works only on Windows.
  • PowerShell (from version 6) became cross-platform, running on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

6. Security Improvements

  • CMD had no script execution policies, making it risky.
  • PowerShell introduced execution policies to prevent unauthorized script execution:
 Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted
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Here is the basic power-shell script that does not support supported by cmd

# Print a message to the console
Write-Host "Hello, World!"

# Get system information
$os = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem
Write-Host "Operating System: " $os.Caption
Write-Host "System Architecture: " $os.OSArchitecture
Write-Host "Total RAM: " ($os.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1MB) "GB"

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Instead of modifying CMD (which was outdated and limited), Microsoft built PowerShell from scratch to provide:

✔ Advanced scripting capabilities

✔ Object-oriented processing

✔ Deep integration with Windows

✔ Cross-platform support

✔ Enhanced security

This made PowerShell more powerful and future-proof for modern IT automation and system administration.

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