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Ashirbad Panigrahi
Ashirbad Panigrahi

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Let's create a next.js app with bun

Thank you for all the support you shown in react post, let's see how we can create a next.js app with bun

Install bun

First run the following command to check bun is installed or not

bun -v
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If you don't have bun installed then run the following command to install bun

curl | bash
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Create a next app

Now run the following command to create a next app

bun create next [your-app-name]
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It will create a new directory with the name of your app. To start the app run the following command

cd your-app-name
bun dev
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Build production bundle for next app

We have to update next.js version before we build our next app

bun a next@latest
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Here we update to the latest version of next for avoiding any kind of build issue

Adding scripts to your package.json

We can add the following scripts to our package.json file

  "scripts": {
    "start": "next start",
    "build": "next build"
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And we can run the following command to build the production bundle

bun run build
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To run the production build you can fire following command

bun start
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Top comments (5)

zeeshansafdar48 profile image
Zeeshan Safdar

Thanks for sharing manđź‘Ť

ashirbadgudu profile image
Ashirbad Panigrahi

Happy to share it with you

foxy4096 profile image

Thanks for sharing this!

ashirbadgudu profile image
Ashirbad Panigrahi

You are welcome

hamishjohnson profile image

Next you should do a tutorial on how to read getting started docs