JSitor is an online free tool for writing, executing and sharing web and NodeJS snippets. It is a non-profitable product without any ads which gives more editor window to write code.
Key Features
NodeJS and Interactive Shell Terminal
JSitor facilitates the NodeJS environment for writing/sharing NodeJS scripts and installs NPM modules. Also its free.
Monaco Editor
JSitor uses Monaco Editor which is developed by Microsoft and also used in VSCode. If we compare this with other alternatives, they are using CodeMirror and CodeMirror has its own stability and usability issues. Monaco editor is more satisfactory and stable editor compared to that.
Take a look at, how beautiful autocomplete looks like in Monaco Editor, isn't it better?
Comparing with CodeMirror autocomplete
Console View
JSitor shows the console logs in the editor itself without having a need of opening the DevTools. This is sometimes very helpful when we want to quickly check the logs without opening the DevTools which takes half of the editor space.
Fullscreen tab view
JSitor gives you a full-screen tab view which gives enough space for writing/viewing huge source codes. Apart from that, it also provides basic views such as side by side view, result in the bottom etc.
JSitor supports collaboration working environment with the help of TogetherJS. This feature is generally really helpful for taking remote interviews or to invite others to work on the same snippet.
Babel, JSX, Script Module and TypeScript
JSitor supports all different type of transpiler, which help us to write code for any framework such as ReactJS, Angular etc
PostCSS, Less, SCSS
JSitor supports all different CSS preprocessors
JSitor supports Pug HTML formatting as well
Optional Chaining
Nullish Coalescing
All snippets
You can view all your snippets
Trending, Most View and Recent Snippets
You can view some trending, most viewed and recent snippets as well under Trending tab
You can embed the snippets on another blog/articles sites
iOS and Android Apps
JSitor also gives you the benefit of writing/sharing or viewing the code in Mobile app. This is really helpful when we are away from our computer and want to quickly test out something.
Download iOS Application
[Download Android Application (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ashvin777.apps.jsitor) The Android is not yet upgraded, I am working on upgrading the Android app well, you will soon hear some news.
Know more about Mobile app

Who says Programming in Mobile is tough?
Ashvin Kumar Suthar γ» Sep 16 '19
I won't say that JSitor will be the best tool but definitely it is worth to explore. Give a try and share your feedback. We would love to hear from you guys.
- Ashvin Suthar (Creator of JSitor.com)
Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/JSitorEditor
Top comments (37)
Excellent creation!
You should also create a deployable build and host it so that others can contribute to your code. The biggest disadvantage to most such code playgrounds is that they are all closed source.
This can be different. I think it will be worth it.
Good Luck!
I will cover a feature review of this on my blog.
Thanks Ganguly. I will look forward to any possibilities of making it open source so that we can have a great community to support this tool. I can't promise but I will try. Thanks and keep using JSitor, if you have any feedback please let me know.
I have to say I'm really impressed by the iOS app.
I've tried using CodeSandbox on my iPhone during my morning commute but it was really frustrating, 5 minutes with JSitor and I've already written a small React app with it! The symbols shortcuts on top of the keyboard are on point.
Of course there's room for improvements but it's a pretty good start.
Thanks, Maxime. Yes, the iOS app is very straight forward and easy to use. Also, the good thing is, if you log in and save the snippets, those snippets will be available in the web version as well and vice versa.
Do let me know if you find any issues or any improvements. I will be happy to resolve them. Thanks.
You can't scroll any of the source code panes in Firefox.
Firefox issue is now resolved and JSitor is updated with this fix. Try it out in Firefox now - jsitor.com/3hZCzip7o
If it doesn't work, make sure you clean your cache as it uses Service Worker for caching resource locally which might take some time to load.
Thanks Ben for reporting it. There is an issue with Monaco editor and recently they have fixed it. I am working on fixing that in JSitor.
That's it working for me :)
Hello π
playcode.io - used Monaco editor too.
The online JavaScript editor support multi files and fast view as you type β‘οΈ
Itβs my product and you should try it π
PlayCode.io is awesome π
Thank you Ashvin π
Is there a way to open a GitHub project in your editor? Love the project BTW
Thanks FultonB. Sorry, we do not have that feature, also to support that we will need to support file explorer as this tool is very basic with just HTML, CSS and JS tabs. Thanks for the suggestion, we will look forward if we can support this.
ok, thanks I will still be using it, dont worry.
This looks awesome! I am curious about the long term business plan? will it always be free? are you supporting it financially on your own? Will you be community donation driven?
Hi Ahmed. Currently, it not supported by any firm or sponsors. It is an individual contribution to make web developers world better. I don't like to add ads in the web tool just because ads take too much space.
Thatβs awesome! More power to you! And keep it going!
Great work, Ashvin!
I was in search of something like this for conducting interviews after Microsoft discontinued skype interviews. Couldn't find a platform with collab and REPL support for Javascript.
Thanks much!
Thank Robin for your feedback.
Welcoming addition to the editors group. The iOS app is truly unique feature. I do wonder do you have support/plans for iPad app?
iPad Pro with jsitor might become way closer to good dev machine on the go
Hi tpaktop,
Thanks for your interest. The iOS app is also supported on iPad devices.
Looks good. Could you add the following
I am looking for it to store Jekyll code. So support for YAML would be great. Mabe as an additional view
FYI Guys, JSitor now supports Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing
Checkout the full article
Try Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing on JSitor, its live
Ashvin Kumar Suthar γ» Sep 21 γ» 2 min read