One of the most challenging but exciting parts of being a programmer is that the field is constantly evolving and the learning is never done. Learn...
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Thank you for this! I’m at the tail end of my first round of 100DaysOfCode after diving into web development, and while I’ve covered a lot in that time, it’s still good to step back and take a meta view of learning and best practices.
Thank you Ali, just saved this for future :)
Really helpful post. One thing I strongly believe is that try to follow incremental approach like 20DaysOfCode or 30DaysOfCode and after completing it do an analysis to see what has been accomplished, which needs more fixing, learning and do a recovery phase along with the planing for next 20DaysOfCode and 30DaysOfCode.
Came to this article prepared to be infuriated by yet more terrible advice from people who think that because they once learned something, often painfully, then they know how to learn. So much bad advice out there.
So quite delighted to find that your advice is excellent across the board. I would focus more on just-in-time learning and being aware of the cognitive footprint of what you learn, but as secondary advice, yours is spot on. Nice work.
It's 1:20am here and I can't go to bed without saying thank you for your post I am glad I read it. Thanks
I really needed this. Thank you very much.
Ali, thank you so much for these tips. You've always inspired me through your podcast and Twitter posts and now I have started reading up on your articles. Thanks, once again!
Thank you so much!!!
Another amazing post, Ali!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
It is awesome!
Very nice and smart article! Thanks for it!
An article worth following and archiving
Thank you for this article. I have a 7 month old at home and travel a lot with work so don’t get as much time to learn as I would like. So tip and advice on learning strategies will really help.