I wanted to put together a quick list of my favorite datasets and visualization resources! When I'm looking for a sample project, I use these for inspiration. I also use them for teaching! Thought they could be helpful for someone else too.
- FiveThirtyEight
- Flowing Data
- The Upshot
- Information is Beautiful Awards
- /r/dataisbeautiful
- The Pudding
Data Sets
- Google's Dataset Search
- List of Public APIs
- BuzzFeed News Data
- FiveThirtyEight Data
- Government Data
- Data is Plural
- /r/datasets
- ProPublica Political data sets
- Awesome Public Datasets
- Kaggle
- The Pudding
I asked about new ones on twitter a while ago, and got some of these from there! I linked the Tweet if you're interested in seeing more!
Top comments (6)
A while back I stumbled upon Sheetsee.js which allows you to connect Google Sheets to a website and use the data in there for Visualization.
Link: jlord.us/sheetsee.js/
It worked pretty well with D3.js
I really like observable tool for visualizing data.
For example:
What Part of Your Body Will Kill You at Every Age
A* search
The most populous cities in the world
Thanks @aspittel !
Another great source of datasets and visualizations is the weekly Tidy Tuesday challenge by R for Data Science.
Read more at github.com/rfordatascience/tidytue... and browse past visualizations at tidytuesday.rocks.
Happy plotting!
Well gotta add some to my list now! Thanks for the dataset resources! :)
I was just looking for datasets (ecommerce/products, business intelligence, customer rel, etc.) to try some visual stuff.
Thanks so much! You da bawsss π€π€