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Top comments (87)
These messages are infuriating, disgusting, and awful.
I admire your strength for pushing on and inspiring so many others despite this constant stream of harassment. 💜
Thank you for sharing the ugly truth about what it means to be a prominent woman in tech. It's an important (if not disturbing) wake-up call to anyone out there who refuses to recognize that this sort of awful harassment goes on every single day.
Love you for posting this!
This was such a difficult thing to read as a woman who has dealt with sexual harassment as well.
What makes me really upset is the screenshots are from essentially every platform (Twitter, Gmail, LinkedIn, etc.). A woman isn't safe from a man's unwanted passes on anything nowadays. It's ridiculous and I'm sorry that you have to deal with this nonsense. I applaud you for being so strong and continuing to create amazing content for those of us who love hearing and learning from you despite all this unwanted attention year after year. You are an amazing person, Ali. Don't let anyone ever let you think otherwise.
Wow, I'm so sorry that all of this happened to you. These messages are appalling 😞 Nevertheless, you coded.... and you're doing amazingly!
Did I just witness a
seizurestroke amidst erotic role play? All of this is terrible, but I can't get that one out of my head. Not only is it absolutely disgusting to send that unsolicited, but I'm seriously concerned for the brain that strung those words together.He sent a different version of the erotica to one of my close friends too, so bizarre.
can we raise money to get all of these guys an intro to grammar book?
more like an "intro to how to be a decent human being" book
This is a seriously disappointing collection of disrespectful, demeaning, and downright gross comments. 😞
Thanks for bringing this up and sharing your experience!
People really need to be reminded about the reality of what it's all too frequently like to work in this industry as a female developer. Thanks for persevering through this hate.
Such an important thing to share. Why do people think this is okay?! I hope this will help show people this is a real thing that happens. I’m so sorry it happened at all.
Ahh, the annual rogue's gallery of terrible comments. Thanks for posting this, as always. It's terrible that so many bigots exist...but at least you're able to turn them around and use them to educate the rest of the world that gender discrimination DOES exist today in tech.
Well well well.
If I was the author of one of those shameful messages, I would be really grateful that you took the time to blurry my name when you had the option to show my cowardice to the world. And I would contact you to say that I'm sorry and will try hard to not be stupid in the future.
And to the dudes working at Twitter, Reddit and other fake "social" platforms where this shit is endemic:
Appreciate you sharing this ❤️
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