In my previous article on how to create a virtual machine, detailed explation of what virtual machine was given. Here i will publish an article on how to create a window server virtual machine and the steps needed. Creating a windows server virtual machine is almost the same as creating a virtual machine.
One of the difference between the two is that Virtual machines is used for a wide range of workloads, app development, databases, or testing environments. You have full control over the VM, including the OS, software, and configurations WHILE Windows Server VMs are tailored for server-specific tasks, such as hosting Active Directory, running SQL Server, managing enterprise applications, or serving as a web server with IIS (Internet Information Services).
STEP 1: Search for Virtual Machine on the dashboard.
STEP 2: click on the + create and select the virtual machine hosted by Azure.
STEP 3: Naming of the resource group, leave the region on the default, set the availability as no insfrastructure redundancy required.
STEP 4: Next is Image, set this to Windows server 2022 Datacenter-Azure edition.
Size, pick 'Standard_DS1_v2-1 vcpu,16Gib memory from the chart[note if you didn't see this, make use of the closest size in the standard section]
STEP 5: On the administrator account, select the VM username and password. Make use of the username and password that will be accepted/ meets requirement and you can easily remember.
STEP 6: Select inbound Ports, for this vm i will choose RDP(3389)
Image description
All done at this point, Click on Review + create. Once this has been validated and every other settings is ok, validation would be passed. Click on create and wait for your deployment to be completed.
STEP 7: You will be ask to go to resource group. click on the button "Go to Resource"
STEP 8: Click on the connect button and select connect. To Connect with RDP: IP address used Public IP address ( Port number is set to 3389.
STEP 9: click download RDP file. Enter the login credentials that you used during the creation process (Your username and password you created ).
STEP 10: Open the downloaded RDP file and click Connect when asked.
STEP 11: Type Windows PowerShell in the search bar and run as administrator once you've login into the server.
Run the command "Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools" to install a web server.
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