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Js in bits - 8.9(basic operators)

Learning js should be fun. It is fun if it's easy.
I tried my best in writing this, to understand it the easy way.

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Top comments (2)

rybama profile image
Marcin Rybacki

All is quite logical here. Three observations here.

  1. There are operators that only exist in math are (*, /, -). They try to convert literal into number and calculate. If it's not possible, than NaN
  2. Whether '+' is concat or math operator depends on the type of left argument.
  3. There's a curious case of null converted to 0, but undefined converted to NaN, also ' \t \n' converted to 0
avinashd10 profile image

1, Yes correct
2, + can do 2 things, concat or addition.
addition if both operands are numbers
concat if one of them is a string

This clears out any confusion:

3, Math conversion rules gives more clarity

Happy learning.