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App Creation in Generative AI Using AWS App Studio with AWS IAM Identity Center and Amazon CodeCatalyst

“ I have checked the documents of AWS to resolve the issue of app creation in generative ai using aws app studio with aws iam identity center and amazon codecatalyst. So I checked for various solutions and found out that it can be possible using aws app studio instance where we can create an app that generates an app in AI with a custom or sample app. Pricing of aws app studio for builder is free, aws iam identity center is free and amazon codecatalyst depends on the user per month .”

AWS App Studio is a generative AI-powered service that uses natural language to help you create enterprise grade applications. App Studio opens up application development to technical professionals with software skills.

AWS IAM Identity Center is a flexible solution that can be used to connect your existing identity source once and gives your AWS applications a common view of your users.

Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment practices into their software development process. It puts the tools you need all in one place. You can plan work, collaborate on code and build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration and continuous delivery tools.

In this post, you will get to know app creation in generative ai using aws app studio with aws iam identity center and amazon codecatalyst. Here I have used an aws app studio instance to create an app in ai with sign-in into aws account. Access the application of codecatalyst app for projects and activity related to it.

Architecture Overview

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The architecture diagram shows the overall deployment architecture with data flow, aws iam identity center, amazon codecatalyst, iam, aws app studio and cloudwatch.

Solution overview

The blog post consists of the following phases:

  1. Creation of Group and User in AWS IAM Identity Center
  2. Creation of IAM Roles, IAM Policies and Amazon CodeCatalyst with AWS App Studio Instance
  3. Sign-in to AWS App Studio and Creation of App Using AI
  4. Output of Sample App in App Studio and Project in CodeCatalyst

Phase 1: Creation of Group and User in AWS IAM Identity Center

  1. Open the AWS IAM Identity Center, enable it with creation of group and user. Create a group with keeping group name. Create a user with mention of username, choose to generate one time password option, mention of email address and other required details. Add a user to the group. Use of one time password details for aws account access.

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Phase 2: Creation of IAM Roles, IAM Policies and Amazon CodeCatalyst with AWS App Studio Instance

  1. Open the AWS App Studio Instance, configure access to app studio with single sign-on. Choose the admin group which is created above in phase 1 and tick the check box to acknowledge the statements for setup the app studio instance. The instance will take around 20 to 30 mins to complete the creation. Once the instance successfully created, check the iam roles, iam policies and amazon codecatalyst created.

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Phase 3: Sign-in to AWS App Studio and Creation of App Using AI

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Phase 4: Output of Sample App in App Studio and Project in CodeCatalyst

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Delete IAM Roles, IAM Policies, AWS Organization, Amazon CodeCatalyst, AWS App Studio, IAM Identity Center and CloudWatch Log Group.


I review the pricing and estimated cost of this example.

Cost of CodeCatalyst = CodeCatalyst USW2-Free-User-Included($0 per User/Month for Free Tier User Included in US West (Oregon)) = 1 Users = $0.00

Cost of CloudWatch = AmazonCloudWatch PutLogEvents(First 5GB per month of log data ingested is free) = 0 GB = $0.00

Cost of App Studio = $0.00

Cost of IAM Identity Center = $0.00

Total Cost = $0.00


In this post, I showed “app creation in generative ai using aws app studio with aws iam identity center and amazon codecatalyst”.

For more details on AWS App Studio, Checkout Get started AWS App Studio, open the AWS App Studio console. To learn more, read the AWS App Studio documentation.

For more details on AWS IAM Identity Center, Checkout Get started AWS IAM Identity Center, open the AWS IAM Identity Center console. To learn more, read the AWS IAM Identity Center documentation.

For more details on Amazon CodeCatalyst, Checkout Get started Amazon CodeCatalyst, open the Amazon CodeCatalyst console. To learn more, read the Amazon CodeCatalyst documentation.

Thanks for reading!

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