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Tapas SInghal for AWS Community Builders

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Embracing the AWS Community: Unpacking My AWS Community Builder Welcome Swag Kit ๐Ÿš€

Swag Setup


Hello fellow developers and AWS enthusiasts! I am beyond excited to share my recent experience as a proud recipient of the AWS Community Builder 1st Welcome Swag Kit! ๐Ÿ™Œ The joy was doubled as I had the incredible honor of not only receiving the standard welcome kit but also winning two extra premium swags - the "T-shirt of Building" and the "Builder Hoodie of Protection" in a thrilling trivia and movie guessing contest hosted by the amazing Jason Dunn.

What is the AWS Community Builder Program?

For those unfamiliar with the AWS Community Builder Program and its offerings, you can find more details here. This vibrant community is designed for developers and enthusiasts to learn, connect, and collaborate on all things AWS.

The Swag Unveiling



Let me take you through the contents of the welcome swag kit, which included a diary and pen for note-taking, a sleek tumbler for those long coding sessions, a collection of vibrant stickers to personalize my workspace, AWS badges that symbolize my commitment to the community, and handy sticky notes for quick reminders. Each item is not just a swag but a thoughtful addition to my developer's toolkit.


Premium Bonus Swags


As if the welcome kit wasn't exciting enough, the first welcome call meeting challenges brought an extra layer of fun and rewards. I am proud to say that I emerged victorious, earning not one but two premium bonus swags. The "Builder Hoodie of Protection" is a comfy, ultra-soft, and incredibly stylish addition to my wardrobe, while the "T-shirt of Building" is another badge of honor that I wear with pride.

Fun and Learning with Jason Dunn

A significant highlight of this journey was the engaging trivia and movie guessing contest hosted by Jason Dunn. It was not only a blast but also a fantastic opportunity to showcase our knowledge, connect with fellow community members, and, of course, win those coveted premium swags.

Video Showcase

For a closer look at these fantastic swags, I've put together a video. Check it out here.

Expressing Gratitude

A heartfelt thank you to Amazon Web Services (AWS), Jason Dunn, Shafraz Rahim, and all other community managers for orchestrating this wonderful experience and providing these amazing goodies! ๐ŸŽ‰ Your efforts are truly appreciated.


Being part of the AWS Community Builder Program has been an enriching experience, and the welcome swag kit, along with the bonus premium swags, serves as a tangible symbol of the warmth and camaraderie within the AWS community. I eagerly anticipate continued learning, connecting, and collaborating with fellow developers.


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