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Benjamen Pyle for AWS Community Builders

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Evaluating 2 Popular Service Meshes

The decision to add a Service Mesh to an application comes down to how your application communicates between itself. If for instance your design is heavily asynchronous and relies on events and messages, then a service mesh isn't going to make a lot of sense. If however, you've built an application that is heavily reliant on APIs between itself, then a service mesh is a great piece of technology that can make this communication simpler, safer, more consistent, and observable. I want to explore to very popular implementations in the Kubernetes ecosystem which are Istio and Linkerd.

Why a Service Mesh?

Before jumping into the comparison between these two great products, let's back up one step and define what a service mesh is. I believe Linkerd defines it well.

A service mesh is a tool for adding security, reliability, and observability features to cloud native applications by transparently inserting this functionality at the platform layer rather than the application layer. -- Linkerd

What does that mean though? In plain English, if an application needs to make an HTTP, gRPC, or TCP request to another application, it's the responsibility of the client to interact safely with the API that it is requesting. Meaning, that if a timeout should be set on the request, it's on the client. If the service being requested fails, it's on the client to perform the retry. And if the client isn't allowed to communicate with the service, then that might even fall outside into networking to limit this traffic.

Now imagine your client needs to communicate with 3 or more APIs to perform an operation. This could get tricky and create support and troubleshooting challenges. A service mesh looks to insert itself into
this request pipeline to make it a provider problem and not an application problem anymore. It also gives governance and control at the macro level so that all requests across your application get treated similarly. The larger your application gets, the more helpful this technology will become.

Common Implementation Details

With a why established, how does a service mesh accomplish those above-described benefits and features? A service mesh is implemented as a "sidecar" to the actual application service code that you wish to deploy. This sidecar functions as a proxy which handles all incoming and outgoing requests and then applies the configuration rules defined for that proxy. The diagram below is from the Cloud Native Computing
Foundation and is a picture of the Linkerd implementation, but Istio functions similarly.

Service Mesh

What happens when each of your pods is deployed is that the service mesh proxy gets launched right next to your application code. The service mesh will alter the container's IP Tables to route all traffic in and
out through this proxy. Therefore, seamlessly intercepting the communication with your code and allowing you to gain the benefits without making a modification to your application.

With the traffic controlled, the service mesh sidecar can then can be configured with the available options as per the implementation.

Linkerd vs Istio

Being that this is more of an intro to service mesh by highlighting opinions on these two products, I'm not going to give a side by side comparison. However, I am going to offer my opinions and thoughts on when I might pick one vs the other. I do have some strong yet loosely held opinions on the products, but my general feeling is that I'm a fan of both and would recommend either for someone looking to add a service
mesh to their architecture.


Launched in 2015, it is considered the first of the service meshes. In 2021, it graduated the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and is deployed in many large customers making it a battle-tested and reliable option.
Some notable customers include X-Box, HEB, Adidas, Microsoft, Chase, and GEICO.

Many of the service mesh options on the market share their base from the Envoy proxy which was originally created by Lyft. Linkerd however is not one of them. They recently went through a full rewrite and choose Rust as their language to build the next generation version on. Now remove my love from Rust aside, this was done on purpose to provide a highly performant and low memory usage implementation. Even though the Envoy proxy is written in C++, what you'll find with the Linkerd Rust proxy is that it's slimmer in features and scope than anything built upon Envoy. And that's on purpose.

Linkerd prides itself as being simple to set up and simple to configure and that it just "works". In my experience, I affirm this belief in their product. Setting up Linkerd is as simple as running a couple of
commands against your Kubernetes cluster and annotating your Deployment resource with Linkerd enabled.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    name: nginx-pod
    annotations: enabled # Enable injection
        - name: nginx
            image: nginx:latest
                - containerPort: 80
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The second point that sets Linkerd apart is performance. By being simple and singular focused on providing just a proxy, the product leverages Rust appropriately and can perform more proxy requests with less resources. This is surely a bonus because as your scale grows, so does resource consumption and node requirements to satisfy your pods. Pods need memory and compute, and when implementing a service mesh, you must include these sidecar requirements into your overall pod requirements.


Nothing is a silver bullet and will solve all your problems for less. That rarely ever works out. Before I get into what I find is missing from Linkerd, let me say this. If your system is built from the ground up on Kubernetes and all of your traffic is contained within your cluster or clusters, then these might not apply to you. But if you have external dependencies or perhaps have irresponsible consumers inside or
outside your cluster, take note of these points.

External Service Configuration

When working with code or APIs outside your cluster, Linkerd (at present) does not provide the option to configure timeouts and retries for managing connections. This might not seem like a big deal, but
timeout and retry management are essential to building reliable systems. For contrast, inside the cluster, these settings work amazing and just as expected. This becomes even more critical if the code you are communicating with is outside your control.

The workarounds at this point would be to build some of this into your application code and its HttpClient. Not ideal, but it is a way to get around this limitation.

The Linkerd community is aware of this gap, and they are currently working on providing support through a new Egress feature. I'd expect to see something in the 2.17 or 2.18 version which is just 1 or 2 revisions
from where things sit today at 2.16.

Rate Limiting

This is another missing feature from Linkerd. The idea of rate limiting is that you can protect your service code by being able to shed load in an event that you have a runaway consumer or load that is greater than
what your system is designed to handle. This is more of a remediation feature that you would enact should something start to get out awry.

Linkerd does support the feature of circuit breaking that will reduce traffic to an unhealthy pod should that pod get into a troublesome state. This isn't the same thing as rate limiting, but it is a feature that will help protect the pod fleet should things get overwhelmed.


Istio on the other hand was launch just two years behind Linkerd in 2017, and it also graduated the CNCF in 2023. Istio was born out of work by Google and others and is built upon the Envoy proxy.

Istio can be thought of as the full-featured service mesh. It includes everything that Linkerd does and then more. However, these features come with a reputation of being complex and harder to manage. Istio, like
Linkerd, has an impressive list of customer case studies. It is being used at Airbnb, FICO, Atlassian, Ebay, Salesforce, Splunk and Google. That list demonstrates that both meshes have been used at higher scale
than most anything that you are building unless you are riding on a SaaS rocket ship on track to join the ranks of some of the larger businesses in the market.

The things I like about Istio are specifically in that it's easy to get started, and it contains every feature and option that I can think of needing. For instance, if you need external service configuration which is missing from Linkerd, it's already built in. External service management is configured just like a normal VirtualService resource which is Istio's way of configuring things like timeouts, retries, and
rate limiting.

I didn't mention this when talking about Linkerd, but it and Istio support the concept of route-based control. This feature shines in Istio due to the additional features, but in both meshes, this is a great
lever to pull should you need to define route-specific controls. But where this goes even further with Linkerd is that you can establish VirtualServices for any of the services your code requires and can have
even more control over the reliability settings when working with other services.

Think of Istio has having all the knobs you require to fine tune your specific needs in an implementation.


All of this control and fine tuning of settings does come at a cost. That cost shows up in two places.

First off, Istio is more complex and requires more Kubernetes resources to make things come together. That can be offset with the fact that if you don't need all the features, you won't have all of that configuration. But it must be said that nothing comes for free, and that additional configuration might feel like overhead. My opinion though is that once you nail the patterns down, you won't notice the additional
YAML you need to produce.

The second cost is in runtime and compute. Istio is a much heavier service mesh implementation when compared to Linkerd. This will show up as more resources are required in your pods to support the sidecar. This
shows up even further the larger your mesh gets as those routes and proxy rules will be loaded into the sidecar's memory. All of this can be mitigated of course by paying attention to metrics and adjusting your
pod's resource limits. But again, it's a cost to monitor.

Concluding Thoughts

If I was building an application from scratch or had all my application inside of Kubernetes, Linkerd is my choice for a service mesh. Its simplicity and speed win me out as compared the feature-richness of Istio. And Istio is more feature rich. I didn't touch on Ingress and Egress or API Gateways, but Istio supports and has resources for those as well. Whereas Linkerd simply integrates with those other components of a cluster.

Running an application in Kubernetes is like anything else. I tend to prefer fewer dependencies and having just the right amount to get the job done. And Linkerd fits that bill. I find in most solutions; rate limiting isn't such a huge deal for me, and you can manage load shedding many times in the ingress controller. If I need to shed load between my services, I'm doing something wrong as there are other approaches to managing this problem.

Now I do want to mention that AKS and GKE (Azure and Google's Cloud Kubernetes) are leaning into managed Istio which I must do some more research on. If the management of Istio was taken by my cloud provider,
this might swing my opinion a little, but probably not enough to move me off of Linkerd.

Bottom line though, you can't go wrong with either of these solutions. If you need a service mesh, I'd start with these two and make my selections from here. In future articles I might review some other options like Consul, Kong, and Cillium.

Wrapping Up

I hope you've found this to be helpful if you are starting to look at implementing a service mesh into your application. I'm not a Kubernetes expert by any means, but what I'm trying to accomplish is to bring you a
developer's viewpoint
on making the best use of this amazing piece of technology which is Kubernetes.

There's a great deal to learn about the ecosystem, but I can attest from experience, including a service mesh into your application will increase reliability, security, observability, and resiliency. And with either of these products, you don't have to start all-in. You can just inject them
into your pods and let them proxy requests. From there, you can begin adding timeouts, retries, mTLS, and many of the other features they provide.

Thanks for reading and happy building!

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