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Shakir for AWS Community Builders

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Grafana on AWS Marketplace

Hi there πŸ‘‹, We will see how to launch Grafana cloud from AWS in an easy way, with no installation etc. Cool thing is it comes with a free trial 😎 which should help us play on Grafana and learn about it's various visualization styles. In this post, we won't be building any graphs, to start with, we would just see a basic panel type which would help us creating links to other dashboards.


Let's see how to launch Grafana from AWS Marketplace.
Marketplace icon
Goto market place and click on discover products.
Discover products link

Search for grafana cloud and click on the appropriate link.
Grafana cloud

There is a free trial option, so I am clicking on Try for Free and Create Contract in the next step.

Clicking on Setup your Account would redirect to Grafana cloud URL where we can signup or link an existing account and create an organization. I have linked my existing account and chosen an existing organization.

Alright, we are all set to get started. You should be on the grafana organization URL with this format<organization-name>. On this page, click Add Stack to add your first stack.
Add stack

You can choose an instance URL and region for your stack. It should take a few minutes for the stack to launch. Your stack should have an instance URL in this format https://<instance-name> You may sign in to this instance to see a page like this:Grafana cloud


Let's go to Home > Dashboards and create new folder with name dummy-folder.
New folder

Inside this folder I am going to create a new dashboard.
New dashboard
Goto settings name it dummy-dashboard-1 and give it a tag kubernetes.
Name and tag dashboard
Then, save the dashboard.

Go back to the folder and create other dashboards similarly so that you have the following dashboards with tags kubernetes, kafka and sql:
List of dashboards

Dashboard list

Goto Home > Dashboards and Create a new dashboard. Close the datasource selection window and click Add a visualization. Choose Dashboard List as the visualization type on the top right corner.
Choose Dashboard list

Give the panel a title such as dashboard-list-all.
Panel title

Scroll down, enable the search option, choose the folder as dummy-folder and leave the tags option empty like below.
No tags selected

On the preview window on the left, it should show all the dashboards in the dummy-folder.
All dashboards

Save the panel, and save the dashboard with the name dashboard-list. You should see something like this:
dashboard list all panel

Click on the three dots on the panel, and duplicate the panel by clicking on the appropriate option like shown below.
Duplicate panel

Click on the three dots on the new panel, and edit it.
Edit panel

Give this new panel, the title dashboard-list-kubernetes and add a tag kubernetes.
Kubernetes tag

Easy enough, the preview should now only show dashboards that are tagged with kubernetes, i.e. dashboards 1 to 3.
dashboard list for kubernetes

Save the panel and repeat the steps for kafka and sql. So, finally you should see something like below.
All panels

About tags

One thing to note, the tags we add in the panel are searched with AND condition. Meaning you will not see any dashboards if you added multiple tags like kubernetes, kafka, sql. Because, each of our dashboards had only one tag. For this purpose let's add a 10th dashboard with all 3 tags inside the dummy-folder.
dashboard with all 3 tags

And edit the dashboard-list-all panel to search for these 3 tags.

tags in dashboard list all

The dashboard should now look like this.
Final dashboard


So we have to seen how to launch Grafana cloud from AWS as a subscription, with free trial. Built some dummy dashboards on Grafana cloud and saw how to build panels with visualization type Dashboard list with the search folder and tags option, and played a bit with the tags.

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