Week 0 — Billing and Architecture
Before the bootcamp, I had already registered a domain and created a hosted zone using Amazon Route53 on my main AWS account. Follow this documentation
Once you log into your Student portal, From the Resources section, you watch all the Video Instructional Content Playlist
- You can also watch the same, Click on Submissions, Week 0, From the ToDo List. Proceed with setting up of things that you need for this bootcamp as per the instructions given in the videos.
- update the Checklist
Required Homework/Tasks
1. Create a Github Account
As I already have my Github Account, I did not create a new one.
- 1b. I setup a MFA on my GitHub account for extra security. aws-bootcamp-cruddur-2023/journal/assets/week_0_user_bobby_setup_MFA
2. Create a Free Gitpod Account which is used for Cloud Developer Environment (CDE) to work with the code.
3. I got the Gitpod Button on my Github Account.
4. Create Gitpod Codespaces, in case the I used up all the Gitpod free-tier.
Once the repository was created
Architecture Diagram
Here is the link to my Logical Diagram from Lucid Chart
Here is my Conceptual Diagram from Luci Chart
Here is link to my Logical CI/CD Diagram from Lucid Chart
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