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Kir Axanov
Kir Axanov

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NixOS. Managing secrets with sops-nix

Hi! Here are some notes about how to use secrets in NixOS configuration securely. As of now I use sops-nix with simple age keys (not generated from ssh keys).


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We will generate a file with all our secrets (e.g. secrets.yaml). For example:

my_secret_auth: <plain-text secret>
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secrets.yaml is stored encrypted. We can edit it with sops secrets.yaml which decrypts it and opens your editor from the $EDITOR environment variable.

For this encryption / decryption sops uses an age public and private keys - we generate those too.

For those secrets to be picked up by nixos we register them in nixos config (we can set secret's owner to allow access for needed service):

sops.secrets = {
  my_secret_auth = {
    owner = "nginx";
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In the nixos configuration we now can use those secrets like so (an example for nginx basic auth):

basicAuthFile = config.sops.secrets.my_secret_auth.path;
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That's basically it. Below are some details on how to setup all of this.

Local secrets with nixos-rebuild

For use on a local machine. We will use niv to install sops-nix.

1) Go to your configuration directory, init a niv project with sops-nix:

# where `configuration.nix` is located, adjust if needed
cd /etc/nixos

# init `niv` with `sops-nix` before installing anything
nix-shell -p niv --run "niv init && niv add Mic92/sops-nix"
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2) Create the directory for age keys:

mkdir -p ~/.config/sops/age
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3) Configure sops and other stuff in secrets.nix (you can choose another name, don't forget to import this file from your configuration), replace YOUR_USER:

{ pkgs, config, ... }:

  imports = [ "${(import ./nix/sources.nix).sops-nix}/modules/sops" ];

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    age sops

  sops = {
    defaultSopsFile = ./secrets/secrets.yaml;
    defaultSopsFormat = "yaml";

    age.keyFile = "/home/${}/.config/sops/age/keys.txt";
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4) Apply configuration above:

sudo nixos-rebuild switch
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5) Generate an age key:

age-keygen -o ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt
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6) Create .sops.yaml and paste public key printed on the previous step (replace capslocked text), use arbitrarily username:

  - path_regex: secrets/secrets.yaml$
    - age:
      - *USERNAME
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7) Register secrets to secrets.nix from step 3:

sops = {
  # ...
  secrets = {
    my_secret_auth = {
      owner = "nginx";
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8) Use your secrets in nixos configuration (where the option expects a file path to the secret):

# ...
basicAuthFile = config.sops.secrets.my_secret_auth.path;
# ...
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Remote secrets with flake

For use on a remote machine.

DISCLAIMER: I keep remote's configs locally and send them via scp when updating it.

1) Add this to your flake:

  inputs = {
    # ...
    sops-nix.url = "github:Mic92/sops-nix";  # <--

  outputs = {
    # ...
    sops-nix,  # <--
  }@inputs:  # <--
    nixosConfigurations.your_flake_name = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      # ...
      specialArgs = { inherit inputs; };  # <--
      modules = [
        # ...
        sops-nix.nixosModules.sops  # <--
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2) Create the directory for age keys:

mkdir -p ~/.config/sops/age
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3) Configure sops and other stuff in secrets.nix (you can choose another name, don't forget to import this file from your configuration), replace YOUR_USER:

{ pkgs, config, inputs, ... }:

  imports = [ inputs.sops-nix.nixosModules.sops ];  # <-- differs from the local setup

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    age sops

  sops = {
    defaultSopsFile = ./secrets/secrets.yaml;
    defaultSopsFormat = "yaml";

    age.keyFile = "/home/${}/.config/sops/age/keys.txt";
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4) Apply configuration above:

# I'm copying the configuration via ssh and running update on a remote - you do you
nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#update
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5) Generate an age key:

age-keygen -o ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt
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6) Create .sops.yaml and paste public key printed on the previous step (replace capslocked text), use arbitrarily username:

  - path_regex: secrets/secrets.yaml$
    - age:
      - *USERNAME
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7) Register secrets to secrets.nix from step 3:

sops = {
  secrets = {
    my_secret_auth = {
      owner = "nginx";
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8) Use your secrets in nixos configuration (where the option expects a file path to the secret):

basicAuthFile = config.sops.secrets.my_secret_auth.path;
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9) If you use sops on both local and remote, it's useful to copy age private key from the remote machine to your home keys.txt (so you'll have two keys there) - this way you can edit remote's secrets.yaml locally.


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