WEB3 is the HOTTEST domain right now with millions of developers wanting to enter this field globally. However, lack of structured ROADMAP may lead to an unnecessary delay in learning among enthusiasts. I want to present a FULL STACK WEB3 DEVELOPER roadmap with FREE resources using which you can learn and become a FULL STACK WEB3 developer for free of cost.
STEP 1:- Learn HTML
Learning HTML is the BASIC BLOCK of web development as well as web3 development.
Here are free resources to learn HTML:-
STEP 2:- Learn CSS
There is no escaping CSS. Easy to learn but TOUGH to master, CSS is an essential when it comes to WEB3 Development. Every company wants a dev who can create interactive UIs.
Here are free resources to learn CSS:-
While Tailwind CSS might not be the most necessary skill when it comes to web3 but it's certainly good to have as most web3 protocols use it for creating interactive UI.
Here are free resources to learn Tailwind:-
STEP 4:- Javascript (from basics to advanced)
Javascript is the BACKBONE of web3. It is the most used language in web3 front end as it has the most stable frameworks support. Javascript is a MUST if you want to do WEB3. Python, Java and others also have web3 frameworks but none come close to javascript in terms of adoption among companies and developers in web3 domain.
Here are free resources to learn Javascript:-
- Javascript by Dave Grey
- Advanced Javascript (hindi) by Code Eater
- Javascript basics (hindi) by Code with Harry
STEP 5:- Making Projects using HTML,CSS,JS
It is really important to cement the concepts by making projects. You can make these practice projects on HTML,CSS,JS to strengthen your command over these three building blocks.
Here is a list of projects you can build to practice your concepts:-
- HTML CSS JS projects (in Hindi) by Code with Harry
- HTML CSS JS projects (in English) by Javascript King
- Tailwind CSS project by Coding in Public
STEP 6:- Blockchain Basics
Now let's start the journey of blockchain. Learn the basics of Blockchain and clear your concepts so you can understand the coding part in future easily.
Here is a list of resources from where you can learn Blockchain Basics:-
STEP 7:- Solidity
Solidity is the official language of the Ethereum Blockchain. It is also the most popular language in WEB3 space as well as the most in-demand language among web3 companies. Getting started with Solidity has many advantages. Here is a list of resources from where you can learn Solidity:-
- Solidity Playlist by Smart Contract Programmer
- Solidity (in HINDI) by Code Eater
- Full Stack WEB3 development by Patrick COllins
STEP 8:- Learn React.js
Now that you have learnt the Backend part(Blockchain Part), its time to move to front-end. Here is a list of resources from where you can learn React.js
- React.js crash course (HINDI) by Code with Harry
- React.js Crash Course by Javascript Mastery
- React.js tutorial by FreeCodeCamp
STEP 9:- Learn basics of Next.js
Next.js is a react library that is extremely popular as it supports client-side rendering. It's really good to learn it.
Here is a list of resources from where you can learn Next.js:-
STEP 10:- Build dApps using JS libraries!!
Phew! You have FINALLY reached the LAST STEP where you can create your favourite WEB3 apps (or dApps) using Javascript Libraries like Hardhat, Ethers.js, web3.js or Truffle, some of the most popular and well known web3 frameworks. Here is a list of resources from where you can learn and build your first dApps:-
- Full Stack WEB3 development bootcamp by Patrick Collins
- Blockchain App tutorial by Javascript Mastery
- Alchemy ROAD to WEB3
- Buildspace projects
- Crypto Zombies
- FreeCodeCamp WEB3
STEP 11:- MASTER Different Domains
WEB3 is HUUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEE. It consists of Defi, Daos, NFTs, Metaverse, Layer 1s, Layer-2s, etc.etc.etc. Either master ONE OF the domains OR MASTER THEM ALL! Here is a list of resources to learn all domains of WEB3:-
- Full Stack WEB3 development bootcamp by Patrick Collins
- Alchemy ROAD to WEB3
- Buildspace projects
- Crypto Zombies
- Nft marketplace
- DAO tutorial by Patrick Collins
- FreeCodeCamp WEB3
- Metaverse tutorial by dApp University
- Metaverse playlist by Hashlips
WEB3 is the hottest domain and its recommended to learn the latest skills.
Best web3 resources
About the Writer.
Hello everyone, myself Mohammad Ayaan Siddiqui from India. I am a Full Stack WEB3 developer and a Certified Ethereum Developer. I talk about WEB3, Cryptocurrencies, Javascript and Python. If you are interested in either of the topics, connect with me below:-
Top comments (2)
I swear, I'm gonna have to start muting the web3 tag soon. This collective astroturfing about a technology that is at this point proven to be detrimental is becoming a nuisance...
Strip out the blockchain nonsense, become a decent web developer. Heck, this listicle doesn't even really go into anything backend for web3, it's just smashing together a bunch of frontend technologies and more or less saying "but also: blockchain!"
Hear me out. Websites... but as NFTs.
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