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Muhammad Ayaz
Muhammad Ayaz

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Solidity Crash Course - Part 4: Comments, Data Types, If-else, Interface

Solidity Crash Course - Part 04 🚀

Welcome to Part 04 of our Solidity Crash Course! In this section, we will cover essential Solidity concepts, including comments, data types, the classic "Hello World" contract, conditional statements, and interfaces. Let's dive in! 🎉

📝 Solidity - Comments

Comments are essential in programming to make your code more readable and maintainable. Solidity supports two types of comments:

📌 Single-line comments

Use // to write a single-line comment.

// This is a single-line comment
uint public myNumber = 10; // Variable declaration
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📌 Multi-line comments

Use /* ... */ for multi-line comments.

This is a multi-line comment.
It can span multiple lines.
contract MyContract {
    // Your code here
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Why use comments?

  • Explain complex logic.
  • Improve code readability.
  • Help future developers understand the purpose of the code.

🔢 Solidity - Data Types

Solidity provides various data types to store different types of information.

📌 Integer Types (uint, int)

Used for storing numbers.

uint256 public positiveNumber = 100; // Unsigned integer (0 and above)
int256 public negativeNumber = -50;  // Signed integer (can be negative)
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📌 Boolean

Stores true or false values.

bool public isActive = true;
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📌 Address

Stores Ethereum addresses.

address public owner = msg.sender; // Stores the address of the contract deployer
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📌 String

Used for storing text.

string public message = "Hello, Blockchain!";
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📌 Arrays

Stores multiple values of the same type.

uint[] public numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
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Best Use Cases:

  • Integers for calculations.
  • Booleans for conditional logic.
  • Addresses for storing Ethereum users.
  • Strings for storing messages.
  • Arrays for lists of data.

🔄 Solidity - if-else

Conditional statements help in decision-making.

contract ConditionCheck {
    function checkNumber(uint _num) public pure returns (string memory) {
        if (_num > 10) {
            return "Greater than 10";
        } else if (_num == 10) {
            return "Equal to 10";
        } else {
            return "Less than 10";
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Best Use Cases:

  • Validating inputs.
  • Implementing game rules.
  • Controlling smart contract logic.

🔌 Solidity - Interface

Interfaces allow interaction with other contracts without accessing their full code.

interface IExample {
    function getValue() external view returns (uint);

contract Caller {
    function fetchValue(address _contract) public view returns (uint) {
        return IExample(_contract).getValue();
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Why use interfaces?

  • Enables modularity.
  • Allows interaction with external contracts.
  • Reduces dependency on contract implementation.

🎯 Conclusion

In this part, we covered:
✅ Comments to improve code readability.
✅ Data types to store values.
✅ If-else for decision-making.
✅ Interfaces for interacting with other contracts.

Stay tuned for Part 05! 🚀

Let me know if you have any questions, comments or feedback!

Would love to help you out!

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