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How to start your journey in Polkadot

You might have heard about Polkadot from Twitter, an event, TV, or even a Lyft car with Polkadot's banner. Regardless of how you found out, you want to know how to join the community or stay updated.

This article is a soft guide on how you can navigate through Polkadot’s ecosystem. If you don't have much knowledge on web3 you can follow this free course by the web3 foundation.

What is Polkadot?

Polkadot is a decentralised, open-source blockchain platform designed to enable interoperability and scalability among different blockchains, it enables asset transfer between blockchains. These blockchains are built on top of it and batch in transactions like Rollups do in Ethereum.

What are its key features and philosophy?

  • True interoperability: This might sound cliche to you but this is provable, I'll spare you the technical details for later. It is possible to build a bridge with verifiable consensus proofs with Polkadot, check out Hyperbridge for more information.
    Polkadot enables cross-blockchain transfers of any type of data or asset, not just tokens. Connecting to Polkadot gives you the ability to interoperate with a wide variety of blockchains in the Polkadot network.

  • User-driven governance: Polkadot features an advanced governance system that gives all stakeholders a say. Network upgrades are managed on-chain and implemented automatically, avoiding the need for network forks. This approach ensures that Polkadot's development is both forward-thinking and guided by the community.

  • Low cost of transactions: Transaction fees in Polkadot's ecosystem are as high as 0.05 USD😄
    You can make as many transactions as you like without worrying about high fees.

  • Security for everyone: Polkadot's innovative data availability and validity scheme enables meaningful chain interactions. While each chain maintains its governance, they share a unified security framework.

Blockchains that are thriving on Polkadot.

There are a number of blockchains available for different purposes:

  • Hydration net: Hydra dx (now Hydration net) allows users to trade efficiently an abundance of assets in a single pool. You can also borrow a lot of digital assets after providing collateral in one or several accepted currencies.

  • Polimec: Polimec allows for decentralized, transparent, and regulatory-compliant fundraising, aligning stakeholder incentives throughout the process.

  • Hyperbridge: Hyperbridge pioneers a new class of coprocessors that leverage their consensus proofs to attest to the correctness of the computations performed on-chain. With this protocol, you can bridge assets and verify the computation of the bridged assets.

  • Tanssi: Tanssi stands as a beacon of hope for developers navigating the complex landscape of blockchain application development.

  • Phala network: Phala network is an AI coprocessor for blockchains it is shaping the Future of AI and Web3 with Tokenization.

  • Moonbeam: Moonbeam provides a strong DeFi ecosystem, allowing easy access to various decentralized finance applications. With full Ethereum compatibility and unique cross-chain features, developers and users can benefit from the Polkadot ecosystem while using familiar Ethereum tools.

Get identified with Polkadot

You can get identified with Polkadot, it is similar to having an identity ENS(Ethereum Name Service). This is a good place to start if you want to participate in the forum and the open-gov discussions. Plus you could also receive tokens through the address. You can get started here

Polimec also provides KYC features for anyone who wants their identity on-chain, it would also require you to present a means of identification, like a passport or driver's license.

Contributing to Polkadot’s Community

There are different ways to contribute to the community. You can come in as a developer or a community builder.

For Developers

To learn anything in development, start doing it for fun. This way, you would be open to exploring different parts of the protocol. There's also a free course that gives you an intro to Polkadot. You can start with something you want to learn for fun or tackle a problem you want to solve. While tackling the problem, you can ask questions if you need help.

There are different ways to start as a dev in Polkadot:

  1. Blockchain dev
  2. Smart contract dev
  3. Application dev
  • Blockchain dev: To become a chain dev, you must already have some advanced experience with web3. If you want to build a chain without going through rigorous months of building. If you simply want to launch an MVP within days then you should learn more about Tanssi. Appchains connected to the Tanssi Network transform into ContainerChains, gaining access to a range of tools and resources.

  • Smart contract dev: Different smart contract environments are available for devs. You can either build your solidity smart contract on Moonbeam or Astar. You can build Ink! smart contracts on Phala network, which are called Phat contracts, these contracts allow anyone to make API requests into their smart contracts. You could also build ink smart contracts on AlephZero.

  • Application dev: This is the easiest way for web2 devs to build on Polkadot. This is great for people who have an existing product and want to explore or combine web3 primitives for their product. This is also a great way to explore the potential of building on web3 without going through the nitty-gritty of the protocol. One of the best places to start is Appilion.

For community builders

Community builders are an important part of the protocol. Polkadot can be described as the largest DAO. The protocol design and upgrade can also be determined by the community.

You can be a threadoor😁, a technical writer contributing to the wiki or a community builder hosting meetups to foster collaboration and community through the events bounty.

There are a number of regions which have meetups and events for community builders, you can join and follow the region closest to you. Currently, we have:

For Ambassadors

At the time of this writing, the ambassador program is undergoing a major change which will be determined by the community. There will be Head Ambassadors elected to represent and take charge of the ambassadors in various regions. You can stay updated by joining the Discord server.

Joining Polkadot's community doesn't have to be daunting. With the right guidance, you should be able to keep up and start making contributions.

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