I intend to show you the steps on how I uploaded and stored a confidential document in Azure Blob Storage. I will also show you how I shared the document with an external user for 5 minutes without granting him full access to the storage account. Enjoy.
I signed into my Azure account using the URL;
https://portal.azure.com.I typed storage account into the search bar and
clicked on the storage account when it appeared.
- Clicked on Create.
- Inside Basics menu Project details. I left the Subscription in the default Azure subscription 1. To create a Resource group, Clicked on Create new.
- I gave the Resource group a name and clicked on OK.
- Gave my Storage account a unique global name.
- Clicked on the drop-down and selected a matching region.
- Clicked on the primary service drop-down and selected Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2.
- Under Performance left the option as the default, Standard.
- Clicked on Redundancy drop-down and selected Zone-redundant storage (ZRS).
- Clicked on Next.
- Under Advanced menu Security, made sure not to tick the highlighted box. This because we intend making the uploaded document confidential.
- Leave Access tier in the default Hot option.
- In Network menu under Network Connectivity, selected Disable public access and use private access.
- Clicked on Next.
- Left all default settings under Data protection menu.
- Clicked on Next.
- Left all default settings under Encryption menu.
- Clicked on Review + create.
- After validation process, clicked on Create.
- After deployment clicked on Got to resource.
- Clicked on Upload to upload the Confidential document from local disk.
- A blob must be in a Container. Since none existed before, clicked on Create new to create one.
- Gave container a name. Left Anonymous access level in default "Private" as it met our requirement of making the file confidential. Clicked on OK.
- Clicked on Browse for file to select the Confidential document.
- Selected the Confidential file and clicked on Open.
- Selected overwrite if file already exist.
- Left all default settings and clicked on Upload.
- Clicked on Data storage drop-down. Clicked on Containers.
- Selected the container and clicked on the 3 dots.
- Select Generate SAS.
- Double clicked on the container reet.
- Selected the file and clicked on the 3 dots.
- Click on Generate SAS.
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