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Babacar Cisse DIA
Babacar Cisse DIA

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Living vs. Surviving: How to Stop Going Through the Motions and Start Thriving

Originally published on


Photo by Danka & Peter on Unsplash

Are You Living or Surviving?

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us are simply going through the motions. We wake up, work, check off the tasks on our to-do lists, and repeat the cycle the next day. But is this truly living, or are we just surviving? Living means engaging with life fully, embracing purpose and joy, while survival is a bare minimum state where we’re just trying to get by.

The difference between the two may seem subtle, but it has a profound impact on our well-being and fulfillment. Many of us, unknowingly, are stuck in the rat race, striving to reach arbitrary goals without stopping to reflect on whether we’re truly living. The good news is that making the shift from surviving to thriving is entirely possible, and it begins with awareness and intentionality.

The Rat Race: Fighting an Unwinnable War

The rat race is a term used to describe the never-ending cycle of working, competing, and chasing success, often without fulfillment. In this battle, there is no true winner. We’re constantly chasing the next goal—whether it’s more money, status, or approval—but when we reach it, we immediately look for the next target. It’s a constant grind, a cycle of living to see the next day without experiencing the fullness of life.

In this state, we become disconnected from our purpose and what truly matters. Every day feels like a battle without a winner. The irony is, many of us don’t even stop to ask ourselves why we’re in this race to begin with. The lack of reflection and self-awareness keeps us stuck, running on a hamster wheel that never leads anywhere fulfilling.

Understanding Business, Understanding Life

Interestingly, the more we understand business, the more we can understand life itself. Business is often about strategy, growth, and resource management, which can also apply to how we live our lives. In both areas, the key to success is having clear goals, focusing on what matters, and avoiding distractions. Just as businesses set objectives and take action to achieve them, we must do the same in our personal lives.

The trick is recognizing that life, like business, requires a vision and a plan. Without these, we’re just moving from one task to another, checking off boxes without feeling truly accomplished. Success in life, much like in business, comes from a balance of planning, effort, and reflection.

The Best Time to Be Alive

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges of modern life. However, the reality is that we are living in one of the best times in history. Abundance is everywhere. We have access to food, shelter, air conditioning, heating, knowledge, safety, and peace—things that were luxuries not so long ago. Yet, with all this abundance, why do so many of us feel like we’re just surviving?

Abundance in Every Area

It’s important to acknowledge that we live in a time of unprecedented abundance. Everything from basic needs like food and shelter to luxuries like knowledge and safety is more accessible than ever before. But this abundance has created a paradox: the easier life becomes, the more we fall into complacency. We become soft, comfortable, and less driven to seek more meaningful goals.

While having access to everything we need is a privilege, it’s also a challenge. When life is too comfortable, we lose the drive to push ourselves. We settle for mediocrity instead of striving for excellence. This is why, despite the abundance around us, many of us feel unfulfilled—we’re not challenging ourselves enough, and we’re not living with purpose.

What Do You Really Want?

It’s time to ask yourself the tough question: What do you truly want? This isn’t a superficial question about material desires; it’s about your deeper life goals. What do you want from life? What do you want for yourself today? What’s stopping you from achieving it right now?

Aligning Actions with Goals

If you find yourself constantly saying you want something but not taking the necessary steps to achieve it, it’s time to reevaluate. Are your daily actions aligned with your goals? If not, you might need to reconsider whether you truly want what you say you do. Real desire is reflected in action. If you’re not taking steps toward your goals, you don’t want them as much as you think.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Words are easy, but actions are what truly matter. It’s simple to say that you want to improve your life, get a promotion, or achieve a certain goal. But without action, those words mean nothing. Everything you want is out there for you to take, but it’s not free. It requires your time, your energy, or your money—and sometimes all three.

The truth is that what you do matters far more than what you say. It’s not enough to declare your intentions; you need to work toward them consistently. Whether it’s waking up earlier, investing in yourself, or learning new skills, every action you take gets you one step closer to your goals.

The Softness of Modern Society

Today’s society is often characterized by comfort and convenience, but that comfort can make us soft. People want the rewards without putting in the work. Everyone wants the fruits of labor, but few are willing to till the soil. Abundance has created a generation of people who are quick to complain, slow to act, and often unprepared for the challenges of life.

Hard Times vs. Easy Times

There’s a saying: “Hard times create strong people, and easy times create weak people.” This reflects the idea that when life is too easy, people become complacent and lose the drive to work hard. The more abundant our surroundings, the less motivated we are to push ourselves beyond our comfort zones.

In easy times, we become weaker—not physically, but mentally and emotionally. We lose the resilience that comes from overcoming obstacles, and we settle for a life that is easy but unfulfilling. The solution? Challenge yourself. Push beyond the comfort of everyday life, and seek out opportunities for growth and improvement.

Stop Making Excuses

At the core of transitioning from survival to thriving is personal accountability. Too often, we make excuses for why we’re not where we want to be. We blame external factors—our job, the economy, or our circumstances—but rarely do we look inward and take responsibility for our choices.

Human Potential: Tapping into What We’re Capable Of

As a species, we are brimming with untapped potential. The human capacity for innovation, growth, and improvement is astounding, yet many of us fail to reach our fullest abilities. The reason? Often, it’s not a lack of opportunity but rather a lack of vision or motivation. As long as you’re committed to improving, and as long as you can clearly envision what you want to achieve, the potential is limitless.

But why do so many of us fall short? Some choose to stay in their comfort zones, doing only what’s required, like “working their wage” without striving for more. Others feel they don’t owe it to themselves or the world to push beyond the bare minimum. This mindset is one of self-limitation, and it keeps us from realizing just how much we’re capable of.

The key to unlocking your potential is self-awareness and determination. The world is full of opportunities, but it’s up to you to seize them. It starts with a clear vision and a commitment to taking action.

Are You Fleeing from Reality?

Many people, instead of confronting life’s challenges head-on, find ways to escape or distract themselves. This can come in various forms—avoiding difficult conversations, procrastinating, or even numbing feelings with distractions. But the question is: are you truly at peace with yourself?

Being at peace means facing reality, accepting your flaws, and loving yourself regardless of external circumstances. It means being grateful for the blessings you have, rather than constantly focusing on what’s missing. The truth is, most of us have far more than we realize, yet we tend to fixate on the finite list of problems.

If you can cultivate a mindset of gratitude, self-love, and peace, you’ll start to see life differently. The obstacles may remain, but your perspective will shift. You’ll recognize the blessings that surround you and understand that, while problems are inevitable, they are far fewer than the endless list of things you should be thankful for.

Take Ownership of Your Life

It’s time to stop making excuses and start taking ownership of your life. If you’re not where you want to be, ask yourself why. Are you truly doing everything in your power to achieve your goals, or are you looking for reasons why you can’t succeed?

Stop waiting for a hero to save you, stop sitting around hoping for a miracle, and stop waiting for the perfect moment to act. The perfect moment doesn’t exist. Success doesn’t come from waiting; it comes from doing. The world will keep spinning with or without you, and the sun will continue to rise and set each day. So why wait? If you want to change your life, you need to start taking action today.


From surviving to truly living, the key is intentionality. Life offers more potential, abundance, and opportunities than we often realize, but it’s up to us to harness them. Whether it’s aligning your actions with your goals, taking ownership of your life, or tapping into your true potential, the power to change your circumstances lies within you. Stop fleeing from reality and embrace it. Be grateful for the blessings you have, and make peace with yourself. The best time to start thriving is now.

Originally published on

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