The Game of Life, often just called "Life," is a fascinating simulation created by mathematician John Conway in 1970. It’s not a game in the traditional sense—there are no players, no dice, and no winning or losing. Instead, it’s a zero-player game that explores how simple rules can lead to complex behaviors.
Picture a grid made up of squares, where each square can either be alive (filled) or dead (empty). The game evolves in steps, or "generations," based on a few straightforward rules that dictate how cells interact with their neighbors.
- Survival: If a live cell has two or three live neighbors, it stays alive.
- Death: A live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies of loneliness, while one with more than three neighbors dies of overcrowding.
- Birth: A dead cell with exactly three live neighbors comes to life.
With just these three rules, you can create some mind-blowing patterns and behaviors. Some configurations stabilize over time, some oscillate back and forth, and others can even move across the grid. It’s a beautiful exploration of how life can emerge from simplicity, making it a favorite among mathematicians, computer scientists, and hobbyists alike. So, whether you’re looking to create stunning patterns or just want to watch how things evolve, the Game of Life offers endless possibilities!
Now, imagine adding a twist to this classic game by introducing interspecies fighting. This modification takes the original concept and injects a competitive element where different species (or types of cells) vie for survival and dominance on the grid. Inspired by the natural world, where competition for resources and territory is a driving force in evolution, this version of the Game of Life allows for a more dynamic interaction between cells. Instead of merely surviving or dying based on their neighbors, cells could engage in battles, with certain species having advantages or disadvantages based on their characteristics. This adds layers of strategy and unpredictability, making the game even more engaging and reflective of the complexities of life itself.
Understanding the Game of Life
The original mechanics are pretty straightforward. Each cell interacts with its eight neighbors (the cells that are horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent) and follows these rules:
- Birth: A dead cell comes to life if it has exactly three live neighbors.
- Survival: A live cell stays alive if it has two or three live neighbors; otherwise, it dies due to loneliness or overcrowding.
- Death: A live cell dies if it has fewer than two or more than three live neighbors.
The objective? There isn't really a traditional goal like winning or losing. Instead, the game is all about watching how patterns evolve over time. You can create initial configurations and then sit back to see how they change, sometimes leading to stable structures, oscillators, or even moving patterns known as spaceships. It’s a mesmerizing exploration of life, death, and everything in between, all driven by simple rules!
Rules for Interspecies Fighting
In this modified version of the Game of Life, we introduce a fresh take on the traditional birth rule by incorporating three distinct types of cells: red, white, and blue. In the original game, a new cell is born based on the number of live neighbors around it, but here, we add a unique twist to the birth process.
Instead of simply following the classic birth criteria, when a new cell is created, it will take on the color of the minority cell type among its neighboring cells. So, if a newborn cell is surrounded by two red cells, one white cell, and three blue cells, it will adopt the color of the minority, which in this case would be red. This creates a dynamic and evolving color landscape on the board, where the interactions and proportions of different cell types can lead to fascinating patterns and behaviors.
Let`s play
What’s truly surprising about this modified version is how balanced it can be. The mechanics encourage a competitive environment where each species has to adapt and strategize to maintain its presence on the grid. The interactions between the different colors create a dynamic battlefield where players can witness the ebb and flow of dominance.
PvP battle
Two gliders faced to each other
After they reached each other, both disappeard
Score: 0:0
6 gliders moving towards each other through the static obstacles
The result is one white static obstacle and two looped patterns.
Score: 3:7
Tower attack
4 gliders vs. 15 static obstacles
End result:
Score: 41:3
This pattern is completely unpredictable. You can check it by yourself here
When I first decided to create the game, I didn't expect the cells to compete so evenly. However, when I filled the cells randomly in the prototype, the results really inspired me to take it online. It turned out to be a great way to showcase interesting and ever-changing patterns
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