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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern Subscriber

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NoMethodError: undefined method for nil:NilClass... Explained

This is a common Ruby error which indicates that the method or attribute for an object you are trying to call on an object has not been defined.

NoMethodError: undefined method SOME_METHOD for nil:NilClass
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For example, the String class in Ruby has the method size (which is synonymous with length, so I can write...

greeting = "hello"
#=> 5
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But loveliness does not exist for a string, so when I type it, I will get...

NoMethodError: undefined method loveliness for nil:NilClass
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I find this will come up when I think I'm operating on an object with methods, but I'm actually operating on a hash with attributes.

# "very lovely" yay, this is a thing that exists!
# NoMethodError: undefined method loveliness nil:NilClass
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Of course, because this is Ruby, we can actually define loveliness if we wanted to very easily by monkeypatching the String class.

class String

  def loveliness
    "very lovely"

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Now we know how lovely our string is. If I was mistaken or unclear, please feel free to add a comment to clarify anything here.

Happy coding ❤️

Top comments (5)

marckohlbrugge profile image
Marc Köhlbrugge • Edited

This one tripped up me all the time when I was just starting out. While the error seems to be about the method, it's usually the object you're trying to call it on that is problematic somehow.

If the object is allowed to be nil, you want to check its presence before calling any method on it. For example:

coffee.drink_it if coffee.present? 
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Or if you like concise code:

# shorthand for `coffee && coffee.drink_it`
# which basically does the same thing as the present? check
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Small nitpick about the example code in article: if my_hash was an actual hash, the error would say {:foo => :bar}:Hash instead of nil:NilClass.

bravemaster619 profile image
bravemaster619 • Edited

Haha. Very basic but pesky one for beginners.
I can say nearly one third of SO questions are javascript version of this problem.

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

Undefined is not a function

worc profile image

yikes... what a mess, the more i work with ruby and search for these kinds of issues, the less thrilled i am with the design of the language

samfieldscc profile image
Sam Fields

I'm actually being shown this error when I try to save an article here in ... ironic