Give a quick description of what you're up to and what some recent challenges have been.

Give a quick description of what you're up to and what some recent challenges have been.
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Making electronic music in Python!
Wow, neat!
Super cool!
Have you been using Sonic Pi?EDIT: Nevermind, I read down thread and saw what libraries ya are using!Anyway, if you put any tunes together that you'd like to share please come over to my post and drop them in the thread if you would!
Music Monday — What are you listening to? (May 30)
Michael Tharrington (he/him) for #music discussions ・ May 30 ・ 1 min read
Thanks! I will!
Nice, what libraries are you using? I did a bit with JS some years back and was kinda cool
nice! im using python for this, the libraries are just numpy and
the github repo is here just in case u want to check it out
Raising an 18 month old. Quite some languages to learn, lot of hesitation on the tech stack. Should be done in 20 years.
(Seriously, I wish I add time for a side project, but... Life 😅)
20 years to prototype that software side project in a notepad. 😋
Same here, can never find time for anything else, good luck with your project it's worth it ;)
Working on Cover Builder so that we can all generate cover image for our dev. to blogs. Would you like to join ?
Ooh super cool !
Yes, please!
Oh, nice. Let's connect over Discord and make some fun😎
Discord Id - Gulshanaggarwal#5950
I've been working on quite a lot , actually.
Here are few(the one's I've worked on most recently):
a cli framework in go , where I've been working hard on keeping the interface simple
a dotfile manager , which is almost at MVP stage!
Thanks. Btw , I released the dotfile manager to 0.1 earlier , like I planed!
I'm building my personal Expense Tracking App and I was building a form with custom select, date picker and I wanted to be able do everything by using keyboard, so I had some issues with events, when you hit Enter while selecting something, and your form is submitted. The cool thing I've learned is
.Investigating weird behaviour of macOS for my desktop automation framework nut.js.
Once that's done I'll dabble on some UI prototype for a new project I'm thinking of.
New feeds for Just Five News
Switching my site from Gatsby and hosted on Netlify to Remix and hosted on vercel.
Also working on programming NFC tags for an app idea
I've made run locally. Next is to watch few hours more of the amazing "intro to Gradle" by the amazing Ken Kousen. Hopefully that will get me in shape to checkout the main Gradle project and start contributing.
Working in some geolocation projects for my portifolio (and of course for some dev posts 🤩🚀)
worked on things I made before!
Svelte components for creating a vertical timeline⏳⏳
Light weight react component for creating a table of contents from the given markdown text⚡⚡
Productivity site built with svelte-kit. You can listen to ambient sounds to help u focus👨💻👨💻
Loved your focus-sound project. That feels wondeful.
Thank you ! appreciate it!
From CommonJS to ESM!
Another week playing with my "OS" in the browser. daedalOS
Latest bug was my wallpaper stopped working for Astronomy Picture of the Day and I eventually figured out that "Picture" of the day can sometimes actually be a video. My decision for when this happens was to load the YouTube thumbnail as the wallpaper.
Writing an article for my blog
What's the article about?
How to replace a JPA Entity with a DTO in Spring Boot. Coming out tomorrow. 😁
Good luck!
What do you mean by replace? The topics sounds very interesting, I'm looking forward for the article.
Here's the link to the article:
Currently I am not working on a Side Project, but I am interested to work on something together with somebody else. It should not be something big or does not have to be finished, it would be more about developing and discussing together to become better.
Shall we work together? I'm about to start something that's not gonna add high value. But it'll come in handy for persons who wanna automate and track every little day-to-day things.
Let's get connected over twitter. I live @djhemath in twitter.
Please keep in mind, that I am currently looking for some kind of possibility for talking or writing about coding stuff. I do not have the time to invest into any kind of "side project" at the moment (do not want to disappoint people, when I would have to stop contributing). If you feel like any kind of exchange would help you and you would enjoy it, then I am interested. This is also for everybody else reading this. Also can anybody recommend any online tool for this kind of collaboration, like writing or calling should be possible and easiest would be with browser?
Ammm, my comment was about to be a root comment. But somehow it ended up as a reply to your comment. And I didn't notice. :-|
Ok, no worries!
I'm trying to automate stuff for the thing I publish online. So far I have automated the downloading process of the app built elsewhere to avoid deployment mistake (I must put them in very specific directories on my filesystem to deploy them.) Right now, I'm trying to trigger build process of my static site (I use Jekyll) on
git push
.I'm building a personal dev-oriented task/activity tracking tool as a way of learning about Blazor Wasm PWAs, and running a SQLite database inside the browser cache. So far it's quite fun.
Really Cool idea. Loved it.
Updating my personal site after ignoring it for two years only to find the dev server completely broken so I configured a new dev server with Vite and now hot module reloading is lightning fast. ⚡️⚡️⚡️
I checked your site it was fabulous, please I was wondering if you could share the source code, thank you.
I’m creating my own portfolio!
Nice! Show off when done.
I will! I’m half way their!
Watching lectures on Convolutional Neural Networks.
And working on some of my projects:
Game - guess Ukraine Oblast (regions) by shape:
I started one small project last Friday to Automate a manual process. Its complete and running it smoothly now. I learned Python for this and enjoyed alot doing this.
The process was to upload news articles on Instagram, it getting uploaded to this profile
Yes, Creating a markdown editor that converts markdown styles to normal text behind the scenes, have a look at it and give a feedback on the website.
Planning to opensource the code.
A language for describing simple behavior, hierarchical state machines and workflows.
hope this spark some inspiration 🙂
Interesting, thanks for sharing. I‘ll have a look at it - at first it looks a bit like what PlantUML is doing, in case you know that. My project focuses mainly on the execution of the behavior.
Cool! Let me know when it's open. My past project focus more on the semantic analysis to avoid invalid/non-deterministic state-transition. As for syntax, I took inspiration from drawing language like PlantUML, graphviz, and state-machine-cat. The only difference is that the arrow can be either reversed or bidirectional.
This simple change in arrow syntax make it easy to refactor and prototype a state machine.
The very first version of Act, my state machine library, is now online on Github. See the following post.
I'm working on a Python project to plot historical weather data in various ways. It pulls in the data just fine, it parses the json stuff, and technically can output graphs.
Challenge? I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the stupid parts to work together, got so frustrated. So I'm currently outside doing some astrophotography.
Friends of mine do events. They need a small app to scan tickets to make sure people who come with pre-sale tickets don't use copies from friends. Right now they simply write down all the ticket numbers manually, but this takes too much time.
I'm building it as a web app with Preact and Bootstrap.
I found a JS library that scans QR-codes and barcodes with a smartphone camera, which works kinda okay, but it's a bit slow on barcodes.
For the backend, I'm currently looking to deploy on IPFS or Areweave (whatever works best) and a distributed database, probably gonna use OrbitDB or PouchDB/CouchDB.
Made a minimal QR Code management system with scanner in PWA with Next js and Supabase in two days. Delivered and used in production as an internal tool. The client needed a quick solution for event tickets. 2000 tickets generated so far. 😬
I recently uploaded on Github a Python side project inspired by a Hack the Box challenge!
It's called G-loc and it located the target user's activity on Google Maps, Google Photos and YouTube using their email address.
I'm open to feedback if anyone takes a look! :)
Started writing a little Jekyll plugin to interface with an instance of the imgproxy image manipulation service. Figured my little blog would benefit from more photos and imagery that are maximally optimized for the web.
Wrote a little blog post about a few initial learnings and gotchas re: Jekyll plugin authoring too:
I'm still new to this development world. But trying to improve a little every single day. After a long time looking for courses to create new projects, I decide to get easier projects but try to make them all on my own and as most perfect as I can. Now I'm trying to create a "Ultimate" Todo React App with React and Firebase with authentication and database. And, in the process of learning I'm trying to select some topics to create posts here in
Working on a tool that helps persons like me to handle day-to-day tasks digitally. Something like bringing Todos, Financial managements, Reminders, Contacts, Projects, etc., in a single place.
The main goal is not to scale up, but to learn industry standard technologies and architectures.
Haven't created any repos or started coding. Currently designing things. And researching a lot (really lot) about industry-first things.
Join me? I'm here @djhemath in twitter.
Great, thanks!! I'm thinking of developing some games. I don't know where to start. I have worked on NodeJS and Angular. Maybe I can copy from you.
what are the types of Rick Roll sites will the builder build? 🤔
It will build a site that play musical tone of "Never Give You Up" by Rick Ashley + custom lyrics with fake url preview. The song is played from .musicxml file.
I'm tinkering with a service to create email aliases for free 🦙 That way you can use a different email address for every service and disable them when they start spamming you 📨
I trying to refresh my opensource project, which i abandon for my stupidity. I separated this project by two ones, cause it contained a lot of unnecessary stuff, 99% now i'm polishing repository, so it will look great again.
I will never abandon any project ever. it was sooo stupid.
Been digging out the basement to put new flooring in, and wrote an article for my property platform which I hope to create a YouTube video on.
Actually i work for 2 main projects:
Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms
Share on
CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library" An alternative to Boost Graph Library (BGL).
We are Looking for...
We are looking for:
If you are interested, please contact us at or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!
A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client ) upon 0mq framework
A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client ) upon 0mq framework
Requerements to build LOG4CXX
apt-get install build-essential libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev gzip zip
$ git clone $ cd Catch2 $ cmake -Bbuild -H. -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF $ sudo cmake --build build/ --target install
Picked python back up again(been about a year) for a fun web scraping project
Starting out mini design software to practice my React :D
Self-hosted bookmarking App!
Name: "Briefkasten"
Let me know what you think 😀
I don't know if it counts but I'm not actually working on anything so I'll stretch the rules a little: am helping people with SQL and JavaScript questions on Discord.
I'm working on some personal webdev automation flows — mostly for myself, but I'll open source anything that seems re-usable.
Making a discord bot to help manage a server
Had UAT for one of my side gigs, a full-stack app. Went good, we're deploying
Still working on a pokemon related app to track what you catch for a way of playing called a "Nuzlocke". Working on saving the data to supabase. Been pretty cool playing around with it.
A command-line tool to fight procrastination. Basically write-or-die, but for coding...
Check it on github:
Yes, hacking on a virtual therapist to help keep me sane while I work on the weekends:
I'm currently working on a web app for a media production company. I'm really excited and my mind is full of ideas 🤩
I’m writing the TUI for this project
Hopefully will finish today 💃🏻
Hacking my blog page together and fighting with Reactmarkdown! Trying to get out of my comfort zone and getting used to do more in frontend.
I'm working implementing phone login in react native using firebase so I could make a tutorial on it!
Nope but working on optimising my blog syntackle.
I had some fun writing Bugsweeper, a minesweeper written in dart and flutter. Instead of mines you have to find the bugs xD
Making a module for drupal CMS which interact with database to facilate developpement of website like travel agency like the search module for ticket or houses.
Making a curated list of all developer tools categorised by layout generators, color pickers, animation tools, etc.
Nice! What are technologies you are planning to use? I'm just curious.
Building a new e-commerce app with Common Ninja!
The app is using e-commerce API capabilities of working with stores' products.
developing my portfolio, school projects, and also personal projects.
I'm working on a kind of library using Google Books API - create a user profile, search for books and save/rate the ones you (dis)like. It's done with React and my first big project. :)
I create an online interactive estimate generator (in French)
Not nearly as cool as some of the other comments, but I'm making a web app for my roommates to sell custom terrariums, and I'm learning threejs for it, which is pretty fun .