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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern Subscriber

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Weekly Watercooler Thread

This is a general discussion thread about... Whatever. What's new in your life?

Hobbies, interests, games, kids, parents, travel, career updates, whatever.

Let's keep this chat light and positive and see if it can become a nice weekly check-in.

Top comments (10)

shriyashthakare671 profile image
Mr Shriyash Thakare • Edited

About My Hobbies I would like to playing Outdoor and Indoor games Like cricket and Table Tennis..
And About Career Updates - currently I am learning a new technologies like Android using Java and React for web application development, Swift For IOS Application Development

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Have you been playing cricket all your life?

shriyashthakare671 profile image
Mr Shriyash Thakare • Edited

Noo, It's my Favourite but outside of my academic

heyjmac profile image
J Mac
sc0v0ne profile image

Seeking to read twice as before, taking pictures of random places, creating connections with people focusing on personal and professional growth, this is very useful for helping to grow, involved with people focused even with different goals, big minds, big exchanges of ideas . Looking for some time to finish the game Styx: Master of Shadows

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Good goals

thaisavieira profile image
ThaĆ­sa Vieira • Edited

This week I started to play Dragon Quest VI (SNES) on my MM+. Any advice? What's your favorite RPG retro game?

damian_cyrus profile image
Damian Cyrus

My all-time favorite SNES RPG: Secret of Mana. Other recommendation: Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Terranigma and Secret of Evermore.

There are more, but these are the ones that worked for me, and still do. šŸ˜„

sc0v0ne profile image

The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim already and retro? I just played this hahaha. Making savings to buy Elder Ring

thaisavieira profile image
ThaĆ­sa Vieira

The Elder Scroll V will be forever in my heart, it was the first game of the genre I've met! Yet, I don't know if it's already retro (I truly hope not, it makes me feel a little bit old). And I love to play Elder Ring with my boyfriend, we're having a lot of fun with the DLC.