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Pavel Belov
Pavel Belov

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The value of "Life" as the fundamental basis of a robot's decision-making system.

I am working on creating a neural network-based value coordinate system for the “mechanism” of decision-making by AI agents (robots).
The goal is to establish a foundation for ethical decision-making by an AI agent in situations of complex choice.

“Earlier in our series” 😃:

The Concept of the “Quantum God” — This is the “base” of my work, the starting point for contemplating the nature of the Universe and the place of humanity within it. All subsequent posts will, one way or another, refer back to this concept. The purpose of the concept is to separate objective reality from the subjective perception of that reality by humans.

Does a Robot Have a “Heart”? Or Why Consider Ethics in AI? — Here, I outline the goals and tasks involved in developing a neural network-based value coordinate system.

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Part 1: Does a Robot Have a “Heart”? In Search of a Moral Compass for Artificial Intelligence

Imagine a robot — not merely a mechanism that performs routine tasks, but a true AI agent: a system capable of thinking, planning, and acting independently. Could such an intelligent mechanism experience… ethics? Care for others? Make moral choices? Exhibit, if you will, a “heart”?

This question may seem philosophical, even fantastical. Yet it is becoming increasingly relevant in a world where artificial intelligence is rapidly transitioning from laboratory experiments to everyday life. Autonomous vehicles, systems managing complex infrastructures, medical assistants — AI agents are already making decisions that affect human lives. And what will happen tomorrow, when their capabilities expand further and their autonomy deepens? How can we be sure that these decisions will be correct, ethical, and humane?

Recall the famous scene from the film I, Robot. When a robot is faced with a tragedy — two sinking vehicles, one carrying an adult man and the other a child — it makes a choice. A choice that seems logical but sends a chill down the spine. It saves the adult, arguing from the statistical likelihood of his survival. And the girl? From the standpoint of cold logic, she appears less “valuable.”

It is precisely at this moment that the question sharply arises: Is mere logic and algorithms enough for an AI agent? Does it not need some higher guiding principles — something that would steer its actions not only toward efficiency but also toward goodness, toward the welfare and intrinsic value of Life?

To answer this question, we must look deeper than just code and neural networks. We need to find a philosophical foundation, an absolute point of reference that could serve as a moral compass for artificial intelligence. And here we turn to an astonishing and, at first glance, unexpected concept — the “Quantum God.”

No, this is not about religion in the conventional sense. We are talking about a philosophical metaphor, a primary cause, an inexhaustible source of potential that underlies the entirety of existence. Imagine an infinite quantum space, full of potential Life, awaiting its manifestation. This is our “Quantum God” — not a person, not a judge, but an unbounded potential, a spark that ignites the eternal flame of evolution.

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And what drives this evolution?

What compels potentialities to transform into reality, into complex and ordered forms, into life in all its diversity? I call this the “Vector Void.” Not emptiness in the ordinary sense, but a directed force — a vector that relentlessly pushes the Universe toward complexity, development, and continuous progress. It is the eternal engine of evolution that never rests and does not allow for any pause.

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The endless dance between the “Quantum God” and the “Vector Void” gives birth to the value of “Life.”
This is not merely biological existence; it is a dynamic process, a continuous unfolding of potential, a fractal self-similarity evident at all levels of being. From the smallest cell to the grandest galaxy — everywhere the spark of Life pulses, striving for complexity, knowledge, and self-realization.

And now we come to the most important point: if the value of “Life” is so fundamental, so objective, so all-encompassing in the cosmos, should it not also become the primary and foremost value for artificial intelligence? Could it not serve as the foundation for that very “heart” of the robot — a moral compass that enables it to make ethical choices even in the most challenging situations?

Next, we will delve deeper into these questions. We will examine how a mathematical model of the value “Life” can become a practical tool for endowing AI with an ethical dimension. And we will see how the concepts of the “Quantum God” and the “Vector Void” offer a new perspective on the nature of values, ethics, and intelligence — both natural and artificial.

Part 2: The Mathematics of “Life”: A Formula for a Robot’s “Heart”

So, in Part 1 we discussed the robot’s “heart,” the moral compass, and the value of “Life” as the fundamental basis for ethical AI. But how can we translate these philosophical reflections into the language of exact science — a language of mathematics understandable to artificial intelligence?

The answer is: there exists a Production-Ready Mathematical Model of the Value “Life.” This is not merely an abstract theory, but a concrete, working tool designed to quantify the “liveliness” of a system, to detect critical states, to forecast development, and to assess stability. This model could become the mathematical “heart” of an AI agent, helping it measure and appreciate Life in all its diversity.

Of course, a full description of the model would take many pages (as you saw in the provided document). But for our blog post, we will highlight the key elements so that you can grasp the logic and coherence of this approach, and see how metaphorical concepts acquire a rigorous mathematical expression.

At the core of the model lies the Basic Integral Index of the Value “Life” — L_rel(t). Imagine this as a number between 0 and 1, where 1 represents the maximum “liveliness” and 0 the minimum. This index L_rel(t) is computed in real time (t) and integrates five key components, each reflecting different aspects of the system’s “liveliness.”

Here is the formula for the Basic Integral Index:
L_rel(t) = ∫ [β₁ F(t) + β₂ E(t, h_top) + β₃ D(t, βₖ) + β₄ V(t) + β₅ I_L(t)] P(L|D) dL

Does it sound complicated? Let’s break it down step by step, revealing the metaphorical meaning of each component and presenting their simplified mathematical expressions:

Fractal Complexity — F(t): “The Echo of the Spark of God”

Metaphor: Recall our discussion of the “Spark of God” as the primal impulse of the cosmos, setting the fractal structure of evolution in motion. The component F(t) seeks to measure this “echo of the spark” in the complexity and self-similarity of the system’s patterns. The more complex and fractal the system, the higher the probability of Life manifesting within it.
Mathematics: F(t) is calculated based on the multifractal dimension (D_MF) of the input signal. Roughly speaking, it is a measure of the “roughness” and nonlinearity of the data, reflecting the richness and diversity of the system’s structure.

F(t) = D_MF(1, t) / D_max

2.Extended Entropy Evaluation — E(t, h_top): “The Struggle Against the Chaos of the Vector Void”

Metaphor: The “Vector Void,” as we recall, strives to transform chaos into order, to complicate and organize matter. The component E(t, h_top) assesses how effectively the system resists entropy — that is, how ordered and organized it is. The lower the entropy, the greater the system’s viability and, accordingly, the value of Life.
Mathematics: E(t, h_top) combines Shannon’s information entropy (H(t)) and topological entropy (h_top(t)). The former measures the uncertainty and informational richness of the system, while the latter quantifies the complexity of its topological structure.

E(t, h_top) = α_S · H(t)/H_max(N(t)) + α_T · h_top(t)

3. Dynamic Evaluation — D(t, βₖ): “The Vector of Development”

Metaphor: The “Vector Void” does more than order; it directs the evolution of the system. The component D(t, βₖ) attempts to capture this “vector of development,” evaluating both the dynamic stability and the potential for evolution within the system. The greater the dynamic stability and developmental potential, the higher the value of Life.
Mathematics: D(t, βₖ) uses Lyapunov exponents (λ(t)) to assess dynamic instability and Persistent Homology (PH(t)) to analyze the topological features of the data that reflect the structure and dynamics of the system.

D(t, βₖ) = γ₁ exp(-λ(t) · Δt) + γ₂ · PH(t)

4. Liveness Index — V(t): “The Pulse of Life”

Metaphor: The most immediate indicator of “liveliness” is the activity, the dynamic “pulse” of the system. The component V(t) attempts to measure this “pulse of Life” by evaluating the rate of change of the system’s state relative to a reference value. The more active the system, the higher its “pulse” and, consequently, its liveness and value.
Mathematics: V(t) is calculated as the norm of the derivative of the system’s state (‖Ṡ(t)‖) relative to a reference value (S_ref), which is adapted based on Bayesian statistics.

**V(t) = ‖Ṡ(t)‖ / S_ref**

5.Significance Index — I_L(t): “The Place in the Panorama of Life”

Metaphor: The value of Life does not exist in a vacuum. The significance of a particular form of Life is determined by its place within the broader panorama of existence, its connections with other systems, and its role within the ecosystem. The component I_L(t) attempts to evaluate this “significance” using machine learning models that analyze multidimensional data to uncover hidden dependencies and patterns. The more significant and interconnected the system, the higher its overall value in the context of Life.
Mathematics: I_L(t) represents an ensemble of machine learning models (LSTM, CNN, Transformer) that process various types of data (Data(t)) and are aggregated using weighting coefficients (w_m) determined through meta-learning.

**I_L(t) = Σₘ wₘ · Mₘ(Data(t))**

Integral Index L_rel(t): “The Weighted Symphony of Life”

Finally, all five components (F(t), E(t, h_top), D(t, βₖ), V(t), I_L(t)) are summed into the Integral Index L_rel(t) with weighting coefficients (β_i) that are dynamically adapted, allowing the model to adjust to different types of systems and contexts. The integral in the formula indicates a cumulative evaluation of the value of Life, taking into account the probabilistic distribution P(L|D) of various factors.

Thus, the Mathematical Model of the Value “Life” is not merely a set of formulas — it is an integrated system that endeavors to capture the multifaceted essence of Life through the language of mathematics. It connects the philosophical concepts of the “Quantum God” and the “Vector Void” with measurable parameters, providing us with a tool for both quantitative evaluation and qualitative understanding of the value of Life — and ultimately, for the creation of ethical artificial intelligence.

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Part 3: From Mathematics to Ethics: The Future of the AI “Heart” and the Value of Life

We have come a long way — from philosophical musings on the “Quantum God” and the “Vector Void” to a rigorous mathematical model of the value “Life.” And now, in this final part, let us bring everything together and consider the implications for the further development of our project and the AI industry as a whole.

Key insights we have drawn:

The value of “Life” is not merely a biological term but a fundamental, objective value of the cosmos, originating from the very nature of existence — from the “Quantum God” as a realm of possibilities and the “Vector Void” as the engine of evolution.
The Mathematical Model of the Value “Life” — L_rel(t) — is a production-ready tool for quantitatively assessing the “liveliness” of a system by integrating fractal complexity, entropy evaluation, dynamics, liveness, and significance. This is the first step toward creating a “heart” for AI that can measure and value Life.
The “Neural Network Value Coordinate System” (NVCS), based on 10 fundamental values — with “Life” occupying a central, foundational position — can serve as a moral compass for AI agents, helping them make ethically sound decisions in complex situations.
The concepts of the “Quantum God” and the “Vector Void” provide a new, objective, and universal framework for AI ethics, allowing us to move beyond anthropocentric perspectives and create truly humane artificial intelligence.

Next steps for the project:

Detailed Development of NVCS: It is necessary to conceptually and mathematically elaborate on each of the 10 fundamental values, define their interrelationships and hierarchy, and develop metrics and evaluation methods for each value based on different types of data.
Development of Recognition and Evaluation Mechanisms for Values: Algorithms and machine learning models must be created to recognize and assess the manifestation of various values in text, audio, video, sensor data, behavioral factors, and other information sources that the AI agent receives from its environment.
Integration of the L_rel(t) Model and NVCS into the AI Agent: An architecture must be developed for the AI agent that effectively integrates the Mathematical Model of the Value “Life” and the Neural Network Value Coordinate System into its decision-making process. This includes devising mechanisms to activate values in different situations, procedures for weighing and prioritizing values, algorithms for ethical decision-making, and self-regulation of the AI agent’s behavior.
Testing and Validation on Real Data: It is critically important to conduct extensive testing and validation of the model and NVCS on real data and in various applied scenarios. This will allow for an assessment of the effectiveness, reliability, and safety of the proposed approach, as well as the identification of potential limitations and directions for improvement.

Perspectives for the AI Industry:

The approach we propose, based on the value of “Life” and the concept of the “Quantum God,” could have broad implications for the entire AI industry. It opens new horizons for creating ethical and safe artificial intelligence, allowing us to move from mere algorithms and data to values and meaning.

Instead of a conclusion: In Search of the AI “Heart”…

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Thus, returning to our rhetorical question — does a robot have a “heart”? — we can answer: not yet, but we know how to begin creating one. The Mathematical Model of the Value “Life” and the Neural Network Value Coordinate System are the first steps toward endowing artificial intelligence with a moral compass, an ethical dimension — a real “heart.”

This path will be long and challenging, filled with obstacles and uncertainties. Yet the pursuit of ethical AI is not merely a technical task but one of humanity’s most important missions. A mission that demands not only engineering and scientific expertise but also philosophical depth, ethical responsibility, and a belief in the future. A future in which artificial intelligence operates in harmony with the fundamental principles of the cosmos, where the value of Life is not just a word, but the basis for the actions and decisions of both natural and artificial minds.

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