HAX is a moonshot technology developed by Penn State faculty, students and staff to make web publishing and ownership ubiquitous.
Publish using hax
See the full list of example commands or copy and paste the blocks below to get building.
# install the cli
npm install --global @haxtheweb/create
# create a new site called zombocom
hax site zombocom --theme "clean-one" --y --no-i
# add a page
hax site --root ./zombocom node:add --title "My docs" --content "<p>This is all about our doc process</p>" --y
# start publishing process to surge.sh, confirm name manually
hax site --root ./zombocom site:surge
The above command run produced the following site! There are many different themes with workflows coming to script and automate the creation of new ones.
goals / features
- rapid publishing
- easy to move format
- click and build UI
- built in CDN to allow for publishing sites on static hosts without hosting all assets
- surge blocks indexing by search engines
- platform incentives multi-page / system visits over initial paint (always getting faster)
- SSR experimental / not possible w/ current reality
- Theme development workflows still being documented (Mar 2025)
Video tutorial
Here's a video stepping through different commands in the CLI as well as building out and adding content through the UI tools.
Learn more
Our why
While writing here on dev.to is great, and in a simple, clean format. It is still limited relative to what the web offers. It still uses "tokens" and code in order to bring content to the web. I can't take it and publish it on my own without knowing about how to leverage the web.
We envision a world where you own every aspect of production of the web, without ever needing to know the web. Start on a PHP based system, move to CLI driven one, move to desktop or SaaS or nodejs driven one; you should not need to care about all these decision trees. Want to start in a Word / Google doc? Do that. Want to start from an existing site, copy the URL.
We seek a world where publishing flows like water. Join us today on Discord. One web component at a time, we will change web authoring forever.
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