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From no programming experience to web developer in 19 small steps

Cat McGee on July 01, 2020

Youtube | Twitter | Instagram Would you rather be a Python developer? Check out this article instead! Sometimes it's really hard to know where to...
markosmk profile image

Very good advice! Thank you very much!! I'm just learning javascript, would it be necessary to also learn jQuery completely? Or is it not necessary? Since there are many libraries that are in jquery, others recommend not using jQuery but all javascript, I have that question. Thank you!!!

itxdeeni profile image
Deen Muaz

Awesome, I love this article. Thanks for sharing

knittingbinary profile image

I used to work in web development as a front end. I have moved away from it because of personal reasons. I would like to go back but I am over 40 now..... Is there a point?

catmcgeecode profile image
Cat McGee

Yes!! Many people make the switch to tech later, and you already have experience so it’d be great. I’d love to hear about your experiences too

knittingbinary profile image

Thank you for your response; I thought this is a young person game only. Well, now I only need to brush off my skills :-) and re-learn new skills. I am a keen Pythonista so I do like use the combo of Python and JS for interactivity on the web.

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catmcgeecode profile image
Cat McGee

Ahhh I'm so excited for you! Make sure to post about your journey here so you can inspire others to start chasing their dream too!

darshak48 profile image

your think is very interested in life

medxone profile image

Thanks for these superb steps for beginners, I already have basic concepts in this, but I'm struggling in learning react and how I can build a react-app for a small mountain resort that belongs to me.
any suggestions please.

catmcgeecode profile image
Cat McGee

Hey there. You really don’t need to use React for most things and I don’t recommend launching straight into it!

What exactly are you struggling with in React?

medxone profile image

class components and functional components and how to use state and hooks, so I have a little idea it's to calculate the rate of rooms based on how much night they needed like that? u understand what I'm talking about />

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catmcgeecode profile image
Cat McGee

You’re well on your way then! I’m still not sure exactly what you’re confused about, but hooks can only be used with functional components, and they can do loads of things including updating the state.

Good luck!

ibrahimjal profile image

I'm committing to learning web development for at least a hundred days in a row... I'm going the self taught route, thanks for giving us great pointers... Started yesterday from Liberia...

thisguymartin profile image
Martin Patino

Yeah, these are the easy steps and why their is a influx of weak web devs in the market. It really has to suck to be competing in this market. I would want to see the dev landscape in 5 to 10 years and just how oversaturated it is or if it will be normal. It's a taboo discuss ed but a real supply and demand topic not discussed

catmcgeecode profile image
Cat McGee

Definitely. Getting your first junior dev job is definitely difficult, especially web development. But you'd be surprised how few juniors actually know about React / Angular / Vue, never mind have experience with it!

umair33 profile image

Great steps I personally moved to php after html/css/js now in the process to learning angular with ts

chirangee98 profile image

Hii, i am beginner in web development know all besic concepts but know i want to go with mern stack development so can u suggest hiw can i go with that

catmcgeecode profile image
Cat McGee • Edited

Hi!! So exciting, welcome to web development! MERN stack includes React, so these 19 steps will help you for learning that. While you're learning Javascript, you can really easily learn Node (the N in MERN). Node is just backend Javascript. As long as you know how to use the command line and understand Javascript, Node is easy to learn. Express (the E in MERN) pretty much comes hand-in-hand with Node. It's just a library that you can use with Node. Follow this to get started with Node and Express.

Then play around with Node and Express, try out different things. Once you're relatively comfortable, start learning how frontend (React) works with backend (Node & Express). Make a project. I love this one - create a collaborative drawing tool with React, Node, and Express (ERN!) Keep playing around until you feel comfortable with all of these things working together.

For learning MongoDB (the M in MERN), it really depends on how comfortable you are with how databases work. I'd suggest taking a short introductory course into databases and NoSQL so that you're at least comfortable with the concepts. Otherwise using databases will be way too complicated! Then follow this tutorial to set MongoDB up on your computer and play around with it for a while. Then connect it with your Node and Express app, I think this tutorial is pretty good for that. Then, try to make it work with the collaborative drawing tool!

Good luck with your learning. I know it can seem really daunting at the start. But trust me, things will start falling in to place once you start building things on your own and it'll be the best feeling ever.

luckie profile image

It couldn't be more simpler than this ☝️

otoje53 profile image

Awesome, very helpful

rescenic profile image
Muhammad Ridwan Hakim, S.T.

Thank you, teacher.

hussam_babylon profile image
Hussam Ali


itscoderslife profile image

Minimalist! Nice simple steps, the way its explained. Makes it look easy, need to practice step by step.