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Catur Wicaksono
Catur Wicaksono

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Tips For Using "Nested If" In Programming

This time we will discuss simple tips for making programs. We can implement these tips in any programming language, but this short article will demonstrate using the Javascript language. The discussion this time is about nested if in a function.

Sometimes we meet cases that require us to make decisions in decisions, for example, this:

Figure 1 If Hell

The example above is that we want to return the string "Hallo" if the signedIn variable is true, and the userId variable is not null. It might seem normal at first glance, but it would be terrible if there were so many condition checks, not just the two in the example above. it will look like "callback hell"

the clean way to do it in the code example above is like this

Figure 2 If Hell

or in the Javascript language you can also use a short way to be like this:

Figure 3 If Hell

by using this method, there are no longer nested if, and avoid "callback hell". This method can also be done in other programming languages with customized modifications.

Epilogue ☕

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