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Add Filter choices to resources

I worked on the project Add Filter Choices to Resources as my first task, focusing on implementing filterable actions for both users and administrators. This enhancement ensures a user-friendly interface for managing Share Networks by utilizing filters and workflows.

The ShareNetworksView class is central to this functionality, displaying a list of share networks using a table. It retrieves detailed data from the Manila API and applies user-defined filters to refine the results. The get_filters method enables filtering based on criteria such as name or description, making it easier to manage large sets of data.

For updating share networks, the Update class provides a guided workflow that sets the necessary initial data and context for the process. Similarly, the Create class streamlines the creation of new share networks, defining the required forms and URLs.

The Detail class offers an in-depth view of a specific share network, showcasing its properties and related information. It gathers additional details from the Neutron API, offering a comprehensive overview of the network’s subnets and availability zones. The get_data method further enriches the share network data with security services and share server information.

Overall, this project enhances the functionality of the Horizon dashboard, making it more intuitive and efficient for managing Share Networks.

The image attached here is the sample of the test.
Image description

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