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Cecilia Ngunjiri
Cecilia Ngunjiri

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Classification Problem: Predicting Values in Group Column

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The project involves a classification problem. The objective is to predict the values in the "group" column, which can either be "control" or "patient."

Dataset Columns and Descriptions

  • rownames: A unique identifier for each record in the dataset, often used as an index.

  • subject: Represents the identifier or label for the individuals or entities being studied.

  • age: Indicates the age of the subjects in the dataset.

  • group: The target variable for the classification problem, categorizing each subject as either "control" or "patient."

Data Understanding/Inspection

I started by importing the Python libraries required for this project, which include pandas, seaborn, and matplotlib.pyplot
The data has 5 columns and 945 rows.

Data Cleaning

The dataset was clean and there were no missing values in any of the columns. It also has no duplicates.

Checking for Outliers
Using a box plot to check the outliers in the dataset. There are notable outliers in the exercise column.

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To check the number of outliers, I calculated the interquartile range.

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Decided to remove the outliers because there are only 83 outliers out of 945 rows. Removing them still maintains the integrity of the data without removing a huge part of the data.

To ensure data integrity, I decided to remove non-numeric characters in the subject column.

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Exploratory Data Analysis

Performed both Univariate Analysis and Bi-Variate Analysis.

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Data Preprocessing

One Hot Encoding

One hot encoded the control and patient entries in the group column.

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Standard Scaling

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Handling Class Imbalance using SMOTE

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Data Splitting

Split the data into training and testing. 80% of the data for training and 20% of the data for testing.

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Baseline Model: Logistic Regression Model

A baseline model to help provide a reference point to evaluate the performance of more complex models, helping to set realistic expectations, identify potential issues, and ensure that advanced techniques offer meaningful improvements.

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Other Models:
Random Forest Classifier

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Random Forest Classifier Evaluation:
precision recall f1-score support

       0       1.00      1.00      1.00        66
       1       1.00      1.00      1.00       123

accuracy                           1.00       189
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macro avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 189
weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 189

Precision measures how many of the predicted positives were actually correct. Class 0 (control): 100% of the predictions for control were correct. Class 1 (patient): 99% of the predictions for patient were correct.

Recall tells us how many of the actual positives were correctly identified. Class 0 (control): 98% of actual control cases were identified. Class 1 (patient): 100% of actual patient cases were identified.

F1-Score is a balance of precision and recall, providing a single score. Class 0 (control): 99%. Class 1 (patient): 100%.

Support is the number of actual cases in the dataset. Class 0 (control): 59 instances. Class 1 (patient): 121 instances.

Accuracy: Accuracy tells us the overall proportion of correct predictions. Accuracy: 99%. The model got 99% of the predictions correct.

Decision Tree Model

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Decision Tree Classifier Evaluation:
precision recall f1-score support

       0       1.00      1.00      1.00        66
       1       1.00      1.00      1.00       123

accuracy                           1.00       189
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macro avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 189
weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 189

Decision Tree Model Accuracy is 100%

Class 0 (Control Group):

Precision (100%):

When the model says “This is Class 0,” it’s right 100% of the time.

Recall (100%):

Out of all the actual Class 0 samples, it correctly identified 100% of them.

F1-Score (100%):

This is a balance between precision and recall. It combines how accurate and how thorough the model is for Class 0.

Class 1 (Patient Class):

Precision (100%):

When the model says “This is Class 1,” it’s right 100% of the time.

Recall (100%):

Out of all the actual Class 1 samples, it correctly identified 100% of them.

F1-Score (100%):

This combines precision and recall for Class 1 to give a single measure of how well it’s doing.

Class 0 (Control Group):

The model is great at finding most Class 0 samples (100% recall).

Class 1 (Patient Group):

The model is very confident when predicting Class 1 (100% precision).

K-Nearest Neighbors Model

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K-Nearest Neighbors Evaluation:
precision recall f1-score support

       0       1.00      0.97      0.98        66
       1       0.98      1.00      0.99       123

accuracy                           0.99       189
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macro avg 0.99 0.98 0.99 189
weighted avg 0.99 0.99 0.99 189

K-Nearest Neighbors Model Accuracy is 99%

Class 0 (Control Group):

Precision (99%):

When the model says “This is Class 0,” it’s right 99% of the time.

Recall (100%):

Out of all the actual Class 0 samples, it correctly identified 100% of them.

F1-Score (99%):

This is a balance between precision and recall. It combines how accurate and how thorough the model is for Class 0.

Class 1 (Patient Class):

Precision (99%):

When the model says “This is Class 1,” it’s right 99% of the time.

Recall (100%):

Out of all the actual Class 1 samples, it correctly identified 100% of them.

F1-Score (100%):

This combines precision and recall for Class 1 to give a single measure of how well it’s doing.

Class 0 (Control Group):

The model is great at finding most Class 0 samples (98% recall).

Class 1 (Patient Group):

The model is very confident when predicting Class 1 (100% precision).


The best model to use to predict the group column, is the Decision Tree Model.

It has high accuracy of 100% and can predict the control group or patient group 100% accurately

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