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Chaoo Charles
Chaoo Charles

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Do you have a blog or a YouTube Channel?

Greetings! How are you doing? Are you a content creator and have a blog or a YouTube channel? Share a link at the discussion section below and I'll check it out.

I have a YouTube Channel where I create coding content. I have been creating tutorials for 11 months now. So far it have been great. I have 38k total views, 870 subsribers, $0 earned.

It's almost an year now. Although I haven't earned with YouTube yet, I have learnt extra skills like video editing, graphics design, communication skills(still working on this) and more. I have helped others in the field and this have helped me to deepen my knowledge as well.

My goal before an year ends is to reach 1k subscribers. You can check out my channel and subscribe if you find my content helpful. Here is the link:

You can also leave a link to your blog or channel at the discussion section below and I'll check it out.

Stay awesome! 💙

Top comments (59)

emma profile image
Emma Goto 🍙

I have a blog:

It's still very tiny (under 1000 page views a month) but I've been posting to it at least once a week all year. I'm thinking at some point of revamping the design a bit, and also adding a mailing list.

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

It's a great start and yeah, a mailing list would help notify visitors about new content and therefore retain 'em. It's actually a nice blog, I have taken a look at some post (monetizing Gatsby blog and state management using redux).

emma profile image
Emma Goto 🍙

Yeah! I didn't realise people actually use mailing lists (I never sign up for them myself).

akshaykhale1992 profile image
Akshay Khale

I liked the design, simple and developer-friendly due to the Terminal themed, Dark UI.

All the very best.

emma profile image
Emma Goto 🍙


gkhan205 profile image
Ghazi Khan


I have a blog and Youtube Channel.

josszar_32 profile image
Ignacio Jimenez

Nice blog

gkhan205 profile image
Ghazi Khan

Thank you :)

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

A great website there, keep up the good work bro.

The link under "why blogging" is broken. check it out.

Also check out my YouTube Channel:

gkhan205 profile image
Ghazi Khan

Yes, I have already checked your channel. You have some cool videos. And thanks for telling me about the broken link. I will fix it now. :)

Thread Thread
chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Okay, thanks too

vellebelle profile image
Morten Vestergaard

Hey Chaoo,

I started my YouTube channel Music and Coding about 6 months ago.. So far I only have 114 subscribers, but more is coming every week. I'm doing it mostly for my own benefit though.. It's a good way to learn.. :)

This is my channel:

I Subscribed to you channel :) It looks great.. Let's help each other grow our channels..

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Wow, it's a great channel. I'm impressed, keep going bro 💙

vellebelle profile image
Morten Vestergaard

Thanks buddy!!

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Wow, it's a great start. Also it's good it helps you learn more and help others at the same time. I will definitely take a look at it.

patopitaluga profile image
Patricio Pitaluga

I do silent livecoding with a "primitive" approach building web tools from scratch. I'm setting some restrictions like not using libraries and not checking answers on google. So far I have little views and subscribers but I'm having fun.

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

I have taken a look at it. It's a good challenge, I will try to survive on one. I don't know if I'll make it 😂😂

mkbaldwin profile image

I've had a blog for quite some time that I post to intermittently ( I've also been posting the articles here on lately as well.

I have thought about giving a go at making content for YouTube, but I'm not sure how well I would keep up at that given how infrequent my blogging has usually been.

kailyons profile image

YouTube Channel. I don't have a lot more than memes right now, but the memes are tech-related. I am working on a FreeBSD documentary for it, plus tutorials on a basic transpiler for a custom Lisp-like language to JavaScript in JavaScript, tutorials for installing/using FreeBSD, how to make a VSCode Syntax Highlighting Extension, plus more.

My Channel: KaiLikesLinux

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Wow, I'll check it out 😊

vyckes profile image
Kevin Pennekamp

I have a personal website on which I write mostly about CSS, front-end architecture and software engineering in general. It's small. But I don't maintain it perse for views, but as a playground as well!

hangindev profile image
Jason Leung 🧗‍♂️👨‍💻

wow the design is sleek!

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

I have seen it. It have great content. You can try to make it more mobile responsive. Keep up the good work bro 💙

vyckes profile image
Kevin Pennekamp

Thanks! Any particular feedback on the responsiveness?

Thread Thread
chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Like on the first post, "fluid interface", I have to scroll side by side to read the main content. The screenshots are too big on mobile. You can make them small on mobile or make them scroll so that the main content is intact. (My opinion though)

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vyckes profile image
Kevin Pennekamp

hmm interesting. The min-width is set to 320px of the website, but around that breakpoint it should work correctly. The code-blocks are side-scrollable by design though. Everything else should only be vertical scrollable. I am gonna look into it, thanks.

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chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Okay, take a look at it.

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vyckes profile image
Kevin Pennekamp

Already found a small visual bug that added a small side scroll on the smallest screen sizes, which should not happen. Would not have found it (soon) without your feedback. Thanks

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chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Wow, you're welcome 😊

james231 profile image

I have a blog here:
It doesn't get many views, I tend to use it to write up answers to questions I get asked rather for views.
Plan on adding AdSense soon. And writing content on Blockchain, Quantum Computing and also programming in .NET.

rahuldkjain profile image
Rahul Jain

Yes, I have a blog

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Great content there. keep up bro

Also check out my YouTube Channel:

sergiodxa profile image
Sergio Daniel Xalambrí

I have a blog on

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Wow, that's a lot of content bro. Keep up the good work. Have you considered creating a mail list, to notify funs about new content. Also if you have good traffic you can consider adding a few ads and using affiliate links. They can act as a good reward for your hard work. Anyway, I'm impressed and keep on creating 💙

sergiodxa profile image
Sergio Daniel Xalambrí • Edited

I have considered it, and tried it but I prefer to just tweet when I publish a new article.

I have no idea how much traffic I have, I don’t have analytics on my blog, I don’t like to be tracked so I don’t track any visitor.

iyansr profile image
I Putu Saputrayana

Hi, I Have a portfolio website that include blog too. I just started that, so I might have big to-do
*sorry for bad english

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

It's okay, I understand your English. English is not my first language too. Creating a portfolio is a great way to start, so you are better than you were before. I will definitely take a look at it.

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Wow, I have seen your love for React Native. Also how you have pulled your git repository to your portfolio have impressed me. Keep on going bro 💙

iyansr profile image
I Putu Saputrayana


adrianmarkperea profile image
Adrian Perea

I have a blog:

It's still fairly young, but I hope to write more about AI and web development

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

It's a cool blog you have. I like it's design. This is a great start. Keep doing what your doing bro.

Also check out my YouTube Channel:

rishabk7 profile image
Rishab Kumar

I have a blog which I just published few days ago!

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

It's a great start, I have seen your AWS post. Keep on going 💙

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Also check out my YouTube Channel:

akshaykhale1992 profile image
Akshay Khale

Hello Everyone,

I do not have a blog but I write a lot on Medium.

My medium username is @TheAkshayKhale.

I also have a medium publication named PeakMind, feel free to join me, I will be more than happy to add you as a Writer. The publication is not specific to tech, we publish all kind of articles over there.


chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Amazing, you have great content. Keep up the good work.

neatcoder profile image
Neat Coder

Hey Chaoo!
I recently started a YT channel at
I really like your content in YouTube and it's Osm! I subscribed it!
I just hv about 35 subs still so, I hope you can Support 😊😁:)

chaoocharles profile image
Chaoo Charles

Keep going bro. I will check out your channel

neatcoder profile image
Neat Coder

Thank you Very Much 😄