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Charlotte Jane
Charlotte Jane

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How to Protect OTT Content with DRM

What is DRM:

The term "digital rights management" (DRM) refers to the methods and systems that safeguard and commercialize copyrighted digital content and intellectual property rights. They ensure that such content isn't misused or stolen, especially when it's sent over the internet via IP pay-TV providers.

Traditionally, digital content has been safeguarded by encryption, with only those with a secret key able to decrypt and view it. When it became clear that a key alone wasn't enough to safeguard material, DRM and other business rules governing how, when, and by whom a key might be used were implemented. If you're wondering how to set up DRM, the method is generally the same regardless of platform.

How DRM work with OTT:


When content is uploaded to an OTT platform, DRM begins to safeguard it at that point. At this point, the content's metadata is captured and safely stored so that it may be retrieved as and when needed, such as when showing the content's details on a video platform.

Encryption and encoding:

The digital content is encoded and encrypted using a cryptographic key immediately after uploading it. Depending on the platform, this can be done before or after streaming. DRM protects content in transit between the platform server and client-side in this way.

The items have been stored and are ready to be delivered:

Content that has been encrypted is stored safely and is ready to be delivered. To play the protected content safely and ensure OTT security, a user's media player will need DRM-centric licencing information that is handled and given out by a DRM licence server to request delivery and playback.

Playback and authentication:

A mutual certificate exchange occurs between the DRM client and the DRM licence server to ensure that only authenticated viewers can access protected digital material. As a result, only trusted playback systems are given access to the content; many major operating systems and browsers already feature such a native trusted client.

DRM and OTT Challenges You've Probably Faced:

DRM systems are numerous and incompatible:

Since over-the-top (OTT) became a common alternative to television in recent years, many video-enabled viewing gadgets have appeared. While this is great for users, it poses a problem for DRM because it could lower the quality of the experience. Secure OTT video platform providers enable multiple DRMs to compensate for an extensive device, operating system, and DRM fragmentation. The best way to do so is to use multi-DRM service for a good experience.

Licenses are delivered on time:

DRM license delivery must be quick and extremely stable to show viewers their requested content within milliseconds. Videos cannot be decrypted and the viewers will be unable to view the content if the DRM license is not delivered on time. This could result in a high and costly rate of subscriber turnover. It's worth emphasizing that the scalability and availability of a multi-DRM architecture are critical for live events where many subscribers are watching the same event at the same time.

How To Create A Protect OTT Video Platform Using Multi-DRM Systems:

Investing in a multi-DRM cloud service can help reduce the complexity of back-end applications. It can help solve problems caused by dynamic apps on various devices, including smart TVs, set-top boxes, smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.
Multi-DRM is a difficult technology to deal with because it entails a variety of technologies, protocols, and solutions. It is, however, one of the most cost-effective solutions to ensure compliance and consistent use across devices without interfering with the viewing experience.

It is recommended that you employ a multi-DRM company that integrates several DRM technologies to provide a single API to ensure that you reap the benefits in terms of costs and success. In order to be created and deployed quickly and efficiently, the multi-DRM service should ideally be compatible with a variety of media-related solutions, such as encoders and players.

Popular DRM Platforms That Address The Problem Of Protecting Video Content

PlayReady by Microsoft

The Microsoft PlayReady platform is one of the most widely used DRM technologies, with a device porting package and source code for hardware partners.

FairPlay, Apple

FairPlay safeguards DRM-protected streaming and playback on iOS devices such as the iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and personal PCs. It sends streaming material to client computers in a safe manner using the HTTP live streaming protocol. This enables service providers, encoding vendors, and content delivery networks to securely encrypt material, communicate the necessary decryption keys, and ensure that playback is always protected.


Widevine offers safe premium content security using open-source, standards-based technology for OTT and CAS services. It is presently available on 5 billion devices worldwide, supporting the greatest number of users on the biggest range of chipsets.


The Free Mobile Alliance created the CMLA-OMA OMA DRM for smartphones and PDAs, but it also works with personal computers. The powerful DRM technology aids in the development of an interoperable 'end-to-end trust model' for the distribution of content on mobile phones, PDAs, and PCs, thanks to the CMLA trust rules.

Adobe PrimeTime DRM (Digital Rights Management)

Adobe Primetime DRM is an Ultraviolet-approved OTT DRM solution for video content protection. It's designed to run on desktops (including Windows and Mac OS), iOS, Linux, Xbox, and other platforms. This DRM service can protect content while also allowing for scalable revenue models such as subscription, leasing, anonymous, and downloadable content.

The Advantages Of Using A DRM In The OTT Industry

  1. Increase Awareness Of Copyrights And Intellectual Property: A DRM setup allows everyone to recognize this importance in producing legal media material that pays fairly well for both the owner and the distributor.
  2. License Agreements And Technologies With Honor
  3. Safeguards Income Streams: DRM services enable individuals to profit from any content's success on any VOD platform. This protects their revenue streams by preventing third parties from exploiting and profiting from their content.
  4. Unethical file sharing are all prohibited:
  5. Access To Sensitive Information Is Restricted: Hackers and phishers cannot access private and confidential information if DRM mechanisms are in place. This ensures that both content providers and users enjoy a positive OTT experience.
  6. Enhances the value of the brand: Using DRM services guarantees that viewers know the platform owner's commitment to security and intellectual property rights. This promotes confidence, accountability, and openness and encourages more individuals to utilize lawful over-the-top (OTT) services.

To Sum it up:

Advanced multi-DRM systems should be at the heart of any strong content protection policy implemented by OTT service providers. These advanced, system-agnostic technologies are the only way for the OTT sector to retain quality, improve usability, and efficiently monetize premium content while remaining legal and ethical.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ's)

What Is DRM in OTT?
DRM, which stands for Digital Rights Management, is a powerful tool used to protect content on streaming platforms. It's like a set of rules and locks that content owners use to control how, when, and where people can watch their videos.

How Does DRM Work in OTT?
When you want to watch a video on a streaming platform, the platform checks if you're allowed to watch it. If you are, it sends a special key to unlock and play the video. This key helps the video player on your device to decode and show the content.

How to Protect OTT Content Using Multi-DRM?
With more content being streamed online, Multi-DRM solutions help keep it safe. It makes sure that only the right people with permission can watch the videos. Think of it as locking your content in a safe and giving the key only to the people who should have it.

Can You Secure Content on Many Devices?
Yes, you can! DRM not only protects content while it's sent from the platform to your device but also ensures it stays safe when you watch it on different devices like TVs, phones, and computers.

How to Add Digital Right Management to a Streaming Website/Platform?
Making your streaming platform secure with DRM isn't as hard as it sounds. You can add DRM software that comes with various security features. It helps manage your content and make sure it's safe when people watch it online.

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padmapriyam13 profile image
Padma Priya M

This blog explains in detail about different DRM platforms available in the industry and advantages of DRM. i got a better understanding about DRM.

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