DEV Community

Ciro Spaciari
Ciro Spaciari

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Faster and simple Http and WebSocket Server for Ruby

uWebSockets for Ruby - uWebSockets.rb

I started to implement uWebSockets C API wrapper and a Ruby version a few days ago.
I got some good performance results (about 5x agoo in using techempower benchmarks for plaintext), for now i just implemented http/https apis but i will implement websockets this week and write some documentation (only linux support, mac should works fine as well, but i will add windows and mac tests and support too)

I will be glad for some feedback and help for testing in the near future

Overly simple hello world app

require "uws"
.get("/", lambda {|response, request| response.end("Hello World uWS from Ruby!")})
.listen(8082, lambda {|config| puts "Listening on port #{config.port}" })
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gem 'uws', git: '', branch: 'main', submodules: true
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bundle exec ruby ./hello_world.rb
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SSL version sample

require "uws"{
    key_file_name: "./misc/key.pem",
    cert_file_name: "./misc/cert.pem", 
    passphrase: "1234"
.get("/", lambda {|response, request| response.end("Hello World uWS from Ruby!")})
.listen(8082, lambda {|config| puts "Listening on port #{config.port}" })
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