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Ciaran Concannon
Ciaran Concannon

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The Art of Centering

Like any good Wes Anderson flick, sometimes it's important for elements on our page to utilise the art of symmetry and draw our users' eyes to the center of the page.

There are a few different methods to achieve this so here I'm going to try and explain the most simple and most useful methods that exist, and also why they do what they do!

Here's a quick codepen to show the methods I'll be discussing below:

Auto margins

We'll start with the very common margin: 0 auto.

This is used to quickly and easily horizontally center block-level elements; which are elements on a page that always start on a new line and take up the full width available within their container.

This is a super useful method as many HTML elements are block-level by default, including:

  • <div>
  • <h1> - <h6>
  • <p>
  • <form>
  • <header>
  • <footer>
  • <section>

To explain margin: 0 auto:

0 refers to the top and bottom margins
auto refers to the left and right margins.

As block level elements take up the full width of their container, auto will give an equal margin to both the left and right of an element - thus, centering it!

Note: unless you need a specific margin on the top and bottom of your element then you can just as easily write margin: auto, which will apply an automatic margin to all sides of an element and generally achieve the same result!

Text align

"Wait, wait - I *think* I know how to center text already!", I hear you say. Well did you know that text-align: center; can be used for much more than that?

There are many important HTML elements that are set as inline display by default for which the above auto margin trick will not work. These include:

  • <textarea>
  • <img>
  • <input>
  • <select>
  • <button>

Besides that, you may often want to have an element such as a <div> display as an inline-block for various styling or layout purposes, usually if you want to display other elements on the same line within that container.

When that time comes, all you need to do is use text-align: center; on the parent element, and it will horizontally center the child element, no matter what it is, the same way that it would text!

Note: Compared to display: inline, the major difference is that inline-block allows to set a width and height on the element and it respects margin and padding. Try changing the display to inline in the CodePen to see the difference between the two!


Flexbox is a fantastic tool to center or position elements in most situations, however it can be confusing for people as to which flex properties are used when centering an element either vertically, horizontally or both!

The reason being: this will depend on the what you have set as flex-direction. To explain:

If you have a container set as flex-direction: row (the default setting) then your main axis is the horizontal x-axis, and your cross-axis is the vertical y-axis.

If you change this setting to flex-direction: column, then the vertical y-axis becomes your main axis and the horizontal x-axis is your cross axis

This is important for the two main centering properties:

  • justify-content: which positions an element across its main axis
  • align-items: which positions an element across its cross axis

Generally, setting both these two properties to center will always center an element within a flex container, however it's important to remember the key differences between these two properties for perfect positioning!

If the container is a row and you want to center the element(s) inside horizontally, go with justify-content! if it's a column and you need to center horizontally, then reach for align-items. Hopefully now you have a full understanding of the reason why!


With grid, things can get a little trickier when looking at your page as a whole, depending on how many columns and rows you may set, and many people will reach for flexbox within a grid container to center elements, however I would like to share one very quick and powerful trick for perfectly centering an element within a grid container.

In addition to giving the container a property of display: grid, simply add the property of place-items: center, which will keep any child element perfectly centered.

A great option for both vertically and horizontally centering an element in any situation!

Absolute Centering

I saved my personal favourite for last, due to the flexibility and power in this option. First I'll present the code which I'll explain afterwards:

.container {
    position: relative;
.child {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
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So what's going on here?

Well firstly we need to remember that whenever we want to use absolute positioning, it's important that the parent element is set to position: relative. Otherwise the child element will likely position itself in relation to the whole document body.

Then we use top: 50% & left: 50% to position the child element at the exact mid-way point of its parent, however that means the element will only begin at that point (so basically the top left corner of a div).

To fix this, we use transform: translate(-50%, -50%) to bring it half-way back on both it's x-axis and y-axis so it is perfectly centered within it's parent element.

Two reasons why I love this:

One, it's flexible - If we wanted to center en element horizontally, then we just use left: 50% and use translateX(-50%) - vice-versa for vertical centering.

Two, it's perfect for creating useful mixins with Sass/SCSS. For example I have the following go-to mixins on any project I'm working on for quick and easy centering when I need it:

@mixin xCenter {
    position: absolute;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translateX(-50%)

@mixin yCenter {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    transform: translateY(-50%)

@mixin absCenter {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
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then any time we need to center an element perfectly, we can simply just use @include absCenter and hey presto!

I really hope that was helpful and message if there's any other useful tips, tricks or CSS magic that you think should be included!

Top comments (14)

theonlybeardedbeast profile image
TheOnlyBeardedBeast • Edited

one more, nowadays not that usefull

.parent {
  display: table;
  width: 100%;
.child {
  display: table-cell;
  text-align: center;
  vertical-align: middle;
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cjcon90 profile image
Ciaran Concannon

Cool! I've actually never used display: table; for anything but just reading about it now, interesting property! Thanks ๐Ÿ˜

theonlybeardedbeast profile image

This is the way we are using for old browsers fallback, in the worst case you have to use table elements directly.

akdeberg profile image
Anik Khan

Great article.
My personal favorite is the flexbox one. However for centering anything in hero section I still go with the Absolute centering.
You summarized all of them neat and clean. Big kudos for that

cjcon90 profile image
Ciaran Concannon

Cheers! Still very much a newbie, and first dev article of any kind I've written so means a lot ๐Ÿ˜

akdeberg profile image
Anik Khan

You just did a pretty good job ๐Ÿ‘

thorners55 profile image
Stephanie ๐ŸŒž • Edited

This was REALLY helpful for me today. Solved a couple of hours long "WHY won't this move?!" meltdown when I wanted to centre grid items. Thank you!

cjcon90 profile image
Ciaran Concannon

Ah, thanks so much! First article I've written so that kinda feedback makes my day ๐Ÿ˜ Best of luck with your page, and happy to receive a question if you're stuck on anything!

madza profile image

came here to see place-items: center
was not disappointed ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

audreyspizza profile image
Audrey the Nerd

Super helpful, thanks! I feel like positioning in CSS is the perfect mix of math and art. Which is what makes it so hard to grasp sometimes!

I regularly forget about margins.

admantium profile image

Great article, thx for the explantion of each different method

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg

With so many different ways to center elements with CSS, it's a wonder I keep forgetting then 9 times out of 10. ๐Ÿคฃ

btlm profile image

I remember when centering something vertically AND horizontally was a hard thing. Now we have neat flexbox and grid and your article explains even more ways. Such a great job with this article.

shnarsingani24 profile image
Sagar H. Narsingani

Good article.
Only thing is you should mention , in the auto margins, that first we need to set the width of an element, then only we can center it otherwise it won't work.