DEV Community

Brian Clark πŸ’‘
Brian Clark πŸ’‘

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πŸ“Œ Live - Creating a Modern NPM Package

Hey there and thanks for checking out this post. I'm building the habit of sharing what I have planned for upcoming livestreams. I have one scheduled for today, Friday, August 26th, 2022. If you're interested in joining our welcoming community as we learn together drop by the stream today starting at 12:30pm ET (time zone conversions).

Stream Plans

Here's an outline of what you can expect on the stream today:

  1. Celebrating community wins
  2. Wordle and Words on Stream game together
  3. Contributing to Open Source Software

Wins of the Week

If you've not joined us for the livestream before you might be wondering what this is all about. It's the beginning segment of the show where we take time to reflect on the past week and look to find the positive things that happened for which we're grateful.

The idea behind this is that I personally have had a tendency to dwell on the negative things. This exercise has helped me to break out of that habit (not all the time but more often now than before). My hope is that it'll help folks dealing with the same thing.


We do this as a transition segment where I hide the chat and turn off the text-to-speech feature of my chatbot (something we built on stream) so folks don't spoil the game. Viewers seem to have fun laughing at my frustrations as I try to solve the puzzle.

Technical Topic

After we're warmed up from the previous two segments we dive into a technical topic for the day. This can vary from stream to stream but for this particular one we're jumping into contributing to some open source software projects from the community. The first one we'll look to help out with is TAU which stands for Twitch API Unifier. This project is super helpful for developers looking to interact with the various Twitch API's and interfaces. It makes it much simpler than trying to follow the Twitch developer documentation directly.

How to Join

If any or all of that interests you and you'd like to see what this community is all about you can join us over on Twitch. Hope to see you there πŸ™‚πŸ‘

✌ Clarkio

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