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Thuy Doan
Thuy Doan

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How to Guide: Setting Up a Dreamhost Subdomain with Netlify and Polywork

There's a new social network on the market and it's called Polywork.

Screenshot of the hero image on It is purple and depicts 3D illustrations of fantastical characters including humans and dragons standing in a group. The text reads, "It's important the world knows what you can do."

Trying out @PolyworkHQ. Linkedin meets Myspace meets Twitter? Let's see if this is any fun! #polywork

โ€” Jet Weevers (@jetweevers) June 24, 2021

This post is for you if you already have an idea of how Polywork works and want to quickly set up a subdomain. Especially if your provider is Dreamhost.

If the only thing standing in your way is a code, use mine clearlythuydoan.

A baby blue button with a purple background behind it that says, "Have a VIP code?"

Screenshot of a signup form for Polywork that asks you for your first name, last name, email address, and password

Setting Up Your Dreamhost Domain

On the whole, Polywork has a good guide for most domain providers.

However, unfortunately for me, my domain provider was not listed.

For the first three steps, you can follow the steps that are depicted when you go to your Profile Settings. Skip to Step 4 if you've already done those steps.

Step 1. Select your non-provider

In the dropdown for your provider, select, "My Provider isn't here, but I know what I'm doing."

Screenshot of a dropdown with the item, "My Provider isn't here, but I know what I'm doing," selected

Step 2. Setup your custom domain

Input your intended subdomain. For me, I chose updates as my subdomain but you could also choose something like timeline.

Screenshot of a disabled input field with the value, ""

Step 3. Generate your custom DNS target

Because this step is custom, I can't show a screenshot of mine but the custom DNS generated for you will generally look like this:
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 4. Direct Dreamhost subdomain to custom DNS

Go to your Dreamhost dashboard and navigate through Domain > Manage Domains. Click the blue button that says, "Add Hosting to a Domain/Sub-Domain" above the section titled "Hosted Domains".

Screenshot of two buttons. The left button is blue with white text and says, "Add Hosting to a Domain/Sub-Domain" while the right button is white with blue text and says, "Register a New Domain"

Screenshot of a form field with two input fields. The label for the first input field says, "Domain to redirect: subdomains are okay!" The label for the second input field says, "Redirect to URL".

In the first form field, input your subdomain from Step 2.

In the second form field, input your custom DNS from Step 3.

If your domain is with Dreamhost but you are hosting somewhere else, like Netlify, continue onto Step 5 for additional configuration.

Step 5. Configure Netlify (if applicable)

Note: This step assumes you already have your main domain pointing at Netlify name servers. If you don't, follow these steps first.

After completing Step 4, refresh your Dreamhost domain DNS settings page until you see your subdomains listed in an indented fashion beneath your main domain. You should see the subdomain you just created along with the action, "Deactivate redirect". Doing this will replace the settings with the name servers your main domain is pointing to (which should be Netlify's).

Click, "Deactivate redirect".

Screenshot of DNS settings for the domain on Dreamhost. Subdomains appear indented beneath the main domain.

From here, log into your Netlify account and go to Domains. Then click the domain you want to add a subdomain for.

Under "DNS Settings", click "Add new record".

Screenshot of the modal for creating a new DNS record on Netlify

Create your new subdomain record on Netlify by choosing "CNAME" as the type. Type the prefix of your subdomain in the "Name" field i.e. "updates" or "timeline". Then fill out the value with the custom DNS generated in Step 3.

Then wait 24 hours and VOILA, it should work! ๐ŸŽ‰

Gif of a man with a moustache and a baby blue suit throwing confetti looking very pleased with himself

If you have questions or encounter any difficulties, let me know and I'll try my best to help. Polywork - as great as they are - had trouble helping me too ๐Ÿ˜

Screenshot of my Polywork profile which includes a display picture, pill badges for topics I identify with such as mental health and DEI, and a bio about myself.

And if you so fancy, follow me on Polywork ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

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