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Tree data structures in Rust with tree-ds (#3: Beyond The Basics)

In the previous parts, we went through the setup of the tree-ds crate and the features that the tree-ds crate offers out of the box when working with trees. In this section, we are going to explore the advanced features offered by the tree-ds crate as a whole.

Advanced Features

The tree-ds crate offers many more features.

  • Serialization and de-serialization support. The crate has a serde feature that enables serrialization and deserialization of trees and nodes. To enable the feature update the cargo dependency in Cargo.toml.
tree-ds = { version = "0.1", features = ["serde"] }
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  • Hashing. The crate offers hashing support of the tree and nodes out of the box.
  • Thread safely. When interacting with trees across multiple threads you can enable the async feature in your Cargo.toml.
tree-ds = { version = "0.1", features = ["async"] }
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  • no_std support. You can use the tree-ds crate in environments that do not have the std library including embedded environments. To enable no-std support you can enable the no_std feature in you Cargo.toml.
tree-ds = { version = "0.1", features = ["no_std"] }
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Beyond the Basics

The tree-ds crate provides a solid foundation for working with trees in Rust. As you delve deeper, consider exploring these aspects:

  • Custom Data Types: Leverage the generic nature of the Tree struct to store custom data types in your nodes.
  • Error Handling: Integrate proper error handling for operations like insertion and searching to make your code more robust.
  • Advanced Implementations: Explore creating specialized trees like binary search trees (BSTs) using the functionalities offered by tree-ds as building blocks.

By understanding these concepts and leveraging the functionalities of tree-ds, you can effectively utilize trees in your Rust projects for various use cases.


The tree-ds crate offers a convenient and powerful way to work with trees in Rust. It provides a flexible and feature-rich foundation for building and manipulating tree structures in your applications. So, the next time you need a tree in your Rust project, consider giving tree-ds a try!

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