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Abdelkader Ould Hennia
Abdelkader Ould Hennia

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Building My Laravel & MySQL Web Application: A Developer's (Version 1)

I am excited to share my experience working on the first version of my Laravel-based web application! 🚀 This project challenged me to apply new concepts and significantly improved my backend development skills. Here’s a breakdown of what I’ve built and the key lessons I learned along the way.

Project Overview: Version 1 Features
Authentication System:

I built login, registration, and user management features to ensure secure access.
Product Management & Display:

Users can add products with pictures, and I used local storage to handle and display product images efficiently.
Product Details & Cart:

You can view product details by ID and add them to the cart. I also implemented logic to summarize the total price of products in the cart.
Category Page:

Users can filter and select products based on specific categories, which makes product browsing easier.
Admin Dashboard:

I built a simple dashboard for admins to manage users and products seamlessly.
Key Lessons and Skills Gained
Working on this project was a valuable learning experience. Here are the technologies and concepts I improved:

  1. Factory and Seeding for Data Management I used factories and seeders to generate dummy data, which made testing faster and easier. This skill was crucial when storing user and product data efficiently.
  2. Migrations for Database Management I learned how to create and manage database migrations, ensuring smooth table creation and version control. Migrations helped me keep my schema organized as the project evolved.
  3. SQL Skills: CRUD, Joins, and Relationships I strengthened my SQL fundamentals, particularly with: CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Joins to connect multiple tables Setting up database relationships (e.g., one-to-many relationships)
  4. Handling Local Storage and Disk Usage A key challenge was storing product images and learning to handle local storage and disk management effectively.
  5. Using Middleware for Logic and Security I implemented middleware to handle user access control and applied small logic in Blade templates to calculate and display the total price of products in the cart. What’s Next? This is just the beginning! I plan to build on these foundations in the next version by adding even more features to improve the user experience and system performance.

This project has been a fantastic opportunity to boost my Laravel, SQL, and backend development skills. I’m excited about what I’ve achieved so far and look forward to exploring more in the upcoming phases.

Feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions—I'd love to hear your thoughts! 😊

Let me know if you'd like any edits, or if there's anything else you’d like to highlight!

Links To check my code below

Laravel #MySQL #BackendDevelopment #WebDevelopment #SoftwareEngineer #SQL #FactorySeeding #CRUD #ProgrammingJourney

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