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Cover image for My website now loads in less than 1 sec! Here's how I did it! ⚡

My website now loads in less than 1 sec! Here's how I did it! ⚡

C M Pandey on July 04, 2020

Hi there! The reason why you're here is probably because you wanna know what I did to load my portfolio website in just 0.8 seconds and achieved a...
hemant profile image
Hemant Joshi

Here, your website is low rated in test it scored 68 and that is not a good score site speed isn't a measure untill you have a good score, I used font awesome, but my website loads in 2.5 seconds and scored 80, this is not a good score for my website and I am constantly improving the website and recommend you too...

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Hey, @hemant , @cmcodes , check this article:

It gets 98-100 depending on the run (you may know its not consistent and the score varies from some points between different benchmark runs) even I added analytics on it.

Hope it helps you :)

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Yeah! I will work on that for sure!

hemant profile image
Hemant Joshi

How did you test your website speed?

And is your thumbnail relevent to your own website?

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cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

I tested it through Lighthouse in Chrom DevTools. And yeah! This thumbnail is from that report only. You can run this test yourself too! 😊

bayuangora profile image
Bayu Angora

Yes, don't use FontAwesome.

markgoho profile image
Mark Goho

If you're going to use FontAwesome, the responsible way to do it is to use IcoMoon to create a font subset of just the icons you need, and then save that as a custom font and use that. It'll bring your gzip size from 70KB down to maybe 10KB (obvs depending on how many icons you use).

bayuangora profile image
Bayu Angora

IcoMoon is really good alternative.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Why not? Over 1000,000,000 websites use it. 🤔

bayuangora profile image
Bayu Angora • Edited

I only need 3 social icons. So, I rather choose svg than bloated FontAwesome.


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cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Your website is really cool! 🤘

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bayuangora profile image
Bayu Angora


_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

I'd probably add "use caching where possible" into the mix.

With the majority of sites using a CMS database of some kind, skipping that whole database read can save a lot of time (relatively) if the content won't change regularly

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Pagespeed and lighthouse ignore cache so you will never get a better score adding cache. I've tried it many times using cloud flare and another services of that kind.
If you have static content there's no point on caching it out of your server, it will be slower than using server cache (no redirects, no third party implications), so you can simply use server cache module like memcached, opcache, pagecache or another, you'll need to check it depending on having apache or nginx.

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

That's what I was meaning by avoiding the database for CMS reads. I should have been clearer.

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

yes, you mean on a dynamic site (which sometimes a server language will need to read from a DB to process the output content), of course it's useful to cache this sites even on a third party cache-proxy :)

markgoho profile image
Mark Goho

Lighthouse inspects cache-control headers, and if you don't have them set (or set properly) you will be penalized.

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

You will always have caching (servers usually perform cache automatically by default) but the error you get on pagespeed about "Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy" is about resource cache headers (images, scripts, style sheets...) that implies cache lifetime. This means adding Cache-Control: max-age=31536000 (which is a 1 year lifetime cache).

BTW cache must speed up the downloaded resources, so logically (and practically) you must get more pagespeed score using a cache of 1 day than not using cache for example, but pagespeed request uses no-cache server request and avoids user/local cache, so the score will be the same using cache or not, that's what I wanted to mean .

The difference on pagespeed score about using 1 year cache lifetime on all assets and not using cache will be only about the weight of the error mentioned above. You can try solving all errors and performing all recommendations except this one and check how much it weights.

Another point to keep in mind is that if you are managing a web app which is constantly evolving and you set a 1 year lifetime cache, you'll probably need to purge the cache every time you deploy a version into production (recommended custom purge only for the assets you updated).

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks for sharing this! 😊

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

How do I convert GIF to webm?

Also, about webm and webp, I am worried about caniuse in Edge / IE...

ranrub profile image
Ran Rubinstein

Edge supports webp, and the next version of Safari too. However you can use Cloudinary to do the format selection automatically - It's free forever up to 25GB of traffic/month.

See for easy instructions.

markgoho profile image
Mark Goho

You should use cloudinary to host your images and you can serve them in a format that's optimized by browser, e.g. in chrome you'll get a webp, in ie you'd get a jpg.

ed1nh0 profile image
Edson Jr.

You can make use of CSS @supports feature to check if the browser support WEBP images. If not than it'd load PNG, JPG instead.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

There are many online converters like ezgif and convertio.

_ajay_gupta profile image
Ajay Gupta

Nice article.

the thing you said it is related to client side only.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks! 😊

creativesuraj profile image
Suraj Sharma

You're using a previous version of lighthouse.. try the latest lighthouse


garretharp profile image

I just ran one too out of curiosity. Definitely always a good tool to check for almost anything. Has always helped me get to about the 1s load time which is really nice. I also normally do SSR so it's just that much faster on initial load especially when accessing external data.

creativesuraj profile image
Suraj Sharma • Edited

Yes, I mostly work on performance part of the application. This tool has helped me with everything, even their documentation is great

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks for sharing this! 😊

dlintott profile image
Daniel Lintott

Great work on the design and optimisation!

Really love the clean style, with just enough colour thrown in

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks! 😊

damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset

Not only does it load fast, it is also beautiful <3

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks! Damien 😊

s_awdesh profile image

Good stuff and a nice portfolio. Keep it up. 👍

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks a lot! 😊

madza profile image

Good looking portfolio :)

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks! 😊

jlohani profile image
Jayant Lohani

Great portfolio. Amazing design. Keep it up.
Looking forward to more projects and tips to learn and also so that I can clone them.😆

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks! 😊 And yeah sure! I will keep them coming for you! I got your back! 😄🤘

quickfevercdn profile image
Devendra Meena

Brother html site usually perform better. And hosted from github and netlify usually are faster.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Yeah! I know that! That's why I used them. 😄

quickfevercdn profile image
Devendra Meena

But html aren't adsense friendly.

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cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Why would someone try to place ads on their portfolio? 🤔

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muhimen123 profile image

Perhaps someone who needs to buy a domain for his/her portfolio 😂

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cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Damn! 😂😂😂

ajeet profile image
Ajeet Yadav

Congrats, it is blazing fast ⚡⚡

Here is my blog, not fast as yours though 🙂

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks! 😊 Just checked out yours too! UI is amazing and so many articles!!!

irgeek profile image
James Sinclair • Edited

That's a fairly decent looking portfolio page -- except for the carousel in your Achievements section. Carousel's are user-hostile and frustrating to interact with. You're also using a library for it that the developer has abandoned and doesn't recommend anyone use.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks for sharing this! 😊 Tiny Slider seems better. Will try that out in the future!

irgeek profile image
James Sinclair

Tiny Slider may be better (it's maintained, at least) but carousels are horrible for people trying to look at your portfolio. Just don't use one at all.

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cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks for your insights!

zenull profile image
zenull • Edited

I absolutely cannot agree with point 10.

Images with exact dimensions (as rendered) look ugly when it comes to laptops and many mobile devices. Even Windows by default make laptop screen 15.6 inches / 1920x1080 all higher and (Recommended by Microsoft Windows) to 125%. So all the images on the web will be 25% zoomed and if the size is exactly as in page then it loses in quality while displaying. So you get less size but loose on quality of how your content looks.

From my experience, the images should be at least +25% larger (with dimensions set in "img" tag) while better to +50% so it looks good on mobile zooming. Better to compress images to 60% instead so the image still looks great and your UI is good on laptops and small screens.

If you never heard about this just go to your Windows (if you use it :) Display settings -> Scale and layout and set it to 125% then look on your exact size images.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

I was using small sized images so it didn't had much impact.

zenull profile image

Yes, while using a normal monitor or without zooming everything looks well.
Even Pingdom Speed Test recommends using scaled images but I won't do it.
I would rather loose some milliseconds of loading speed than see that image quality.
Now and in the near future the speeds will increase so serve that image a little bigger and laptop users with small screen sizes will be grateful to you. :)

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cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks for sharing this! 😊

zenulabidin profile image
Ali Sherief

I have another suggestion to add: Instead of making two REST requests with might have a race condition, like a POST followed by a GET, and avoiding it using setTimeout, you can use GraphQL mutations for atomic manipulation of server-side data.

dpaine20 profile image
David Paine20

Statistics from Google indicate that 50% of website visitors expect a mobile website to load within 2 seconds. 53% of users will probably leave the blog page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. So for Google, page speed is one of the factors, that define the user experience. And for Google, the user is a boss. Here for optimization of your page, you can also get the tools from the following link as well. Where you will find tools related to minification, image optimization, and many more.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Yeah! Speed does matter when it comes to websites! Thanks for sharing this link. It's a treasure of tools. 😄

ranrub profile image
Ran Rubinstein

Great post! You mention image CDNs but you don't use them. Here's a way to use an image CDN easily with your github pages site: , your images will be typically 40% lighter and served faster if you use it.


markgoho profile image
Mark Goho • Edited

Tip #0: Use to get real measurements:

"Loads in 2 seconds" isn't quite accurate since it looks like your best run was doc complete at about 4 seconds, while your repeat views are <1 sec (which is great).

Your lighthouse perf score was 73. Still a lot of work to do, but you're well on your way.

Make sure to take a look at the caching recommendations, those are going to be the lowest hanging fruit, although you might not have the ability to change this if using Github Hosting. I'd recommend something like Firebase Hosting which is free for your usage and allows for complete control over the static asset caching.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Yeah! I should move to a dedicated hosting! Thanks for sharing this! 😊

drawcard profile image

What you host your site on matters incredibly - shared hosting will perform really poorly compared to dedicated hosting with hardware caching etc. We've helped clients go from sites that load 15+ sec to under 3 sec just by moving them to a better server and properly configuring LiteSpeed caching. WebP is also a good thing to implement, and it's now supported by Safari in their upcoming release. And reducing calls to 3rd party hosted libraries (ie Jquery) helps a lot.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks for sharing this! 😊

kiquenet profile image
cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks for sharing this! 😊

tutorialsmate profile image

Can you please check us for a minute and list some points that I can work with to boost my score. Working hard on it. Score was quite good before I put adsence codes on the site.

Just give some of your valuable time and help me here. It would be really helpful.
Link to site:

Thank you...

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Let's take this to DM. 😊

ashleyjsheridan profile image
Ashley Sheridan

Minifying the JS files won't actually reduce parsing time unless tree shaking is part of the minification process (and this is usually considered a separate part of the build process).

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks for sharing this! 😊

pavelloz profile image
Paweł Kowalski

I prefer our documentation scores:


AMA ;-)

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Looks great!

alidhuniya profile image
Ali Hussain Dhuniya

Well it's showing 88 scores point of performance

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

According to Lighthouse, "Values are estimated and may vary. The performance score is based only on these metrics." This report was generated on 4th of July, 01:28:48 PM IST. These scores might reflect a bit different on your machine due to slow internet connection or multiple extensions running in the background

weakish profile image
Jang Rush

Cool! I'd like to translate this post to Chinese. Can you give me the permission? The translated text will be published at

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Sure! You can repost this to Chinese at, if you mention the link to this post.

weakish profile image
Jang Rush

Chinese translation is finished:

There is a backlink to this post at the beginning of the translated text.

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cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey


mzaini30 profile image

Your site:

Website TS

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

I think you didn't read the note at the beginning. I have mentioned the score from Google Lighthouse not from tool.

mzaini30 profile image

I think, that's same

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cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

No! They're not!

bhansa profile image
Bharat Saraswat • Edited

I created a small dashboard here:

Since its very minimal and I am using caching, it loads really fast.
Any comments?

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

It looks good. You can use a number counter animation to make it more attractive! 🤘

yishai_zehavi profile image
Yishai Zehavi • Edited

Wow, concise yet comprehensive. Thank you!

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Welcome! 😊

uploadcare profile image

Impressive work! Can also add 'Use the right image formats' to the Tip #7

If possible, it's good to use WebP (although, it's supported by a limited number of browsers). Google claims that WebP lossless images are 26% smaller in size compared to PNGs, and WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than JPEG images.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thank You! 😊 I am aware of that and as you mentioned it is supported by a limited number of browsers, so I didn't mentioned it earlier but I should do it now (for future case).

trollboy_j profile image

How can one person remember so many languages!? Lol, nice site. Very quick to boot up on my iPhone XR. 👍

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Thanks! 😊 That's the result of 7 years into programming! 😂

harshad_tweet profile image
Harshad Prajapati

Have a look of light house score of my page (my portfolio) built with Gatsby.js

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Woah! Your scores are pretty good! Just add some styling to your skills elements.

harshad_tweet profile image
Harshad Prajapati

Thank for your suggestion.

heisdev profile image


cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey


mzaini30 profile image

My blog 🙃

Hasil web Dev blogku

I use Vue.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Good for you! :)

bruno_austane profile image
Bruno Austine

That's is a very beautiful website. I would love to borrow some features to add to my own 😊😊

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Surely! All of the source code is available at my GitHub repo

shjordan profile image
Jordan Humberto de Souza

your website is so bright xD my retinas burned... i suggest adding a dark mode switch or make it auto-switchable based on system theme mode. xD other than that, great job!

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Already working on it! 😎🤘

codeposse profile image

Well, my site loads as fast as this page and yet only scores a 2 for performance... Everything is loaded and interactive.

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Good for you! 😊

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Love this post, really great tips!

cmcodes profile image
C M Pandey

Wait! What? Ben Halpern himself! 😍 Thank you so much for your feedback! You made my day! ♥️ I do admire your work that you put into making this awesome platform. 🔥

nalani profile image

Is there any way to delete useless js?
This is important for my website

asifurrahamanofficial profile image
Asifur Rahaman

thanks for the advices