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How hiring a perfectly matched tech team for start-ups can kickstart your projects

If you are a start-up, hiring the best tech team to work on multiple projects can be a continuous challenge. Since you might need different expertise for every project, it is equally important to have a team work-ready to begin the new endeavor.

While many tech talents are available in the market, picking and choosing them can involve both time and effort, reducing the buffer time before the delivery.

Is there an option to this dilemma that every start-up faces at one time or another? Yes, if we can hire from a platform that has vetted and verified tech teams available readily to kickstart your project.

There are platforms, such as CodeMonk, which offer exclusive benefits of delivering you developers and coding experts, either on an individual basis or as a team.

You may have so many questions as to the safety of hiring them out of a website or the proper fit of the team.

Before going into the 'whys and hows,' let us look at some of the advantages of choosing a qualified team to work with for your assignment.


Fully Vetted and Verified Team

As a start-up, you want to be ahead of your competitors by proving the best at all times in all deliverables. There are no short-cuts nor any loop holes if something goes wrong. That translates to having your back at all times, and only a team who is strong enough to handle the curve balls can work. So, there are benefits to picking up a team who has gone through a thorough verification process and have proven their mettle at them. A vetted and verified team can help handle the toughest of challenges with expertise.

CodeMonk, for instance, designs relevant skill tests to help vet the talents before putting them up on their platform for hire. The skill tests and verification process help check all details before they can even apply for a job, saving your time and effort too!


Savesloads of Time and Effort

Before going into this, think about it- what are the usual methods of the recruitment process before engaging a tech talent? And, what time frame are you looking atfor signing them up before they start working for you?

With tech teams on hire, you considerably reduce the effort and time and get them on board to set everything in motion. You can avoid the whole hassles of the recruitment process and the time spent sorting out applications and switch to the last steps of the process-on-boarding! You know the entire process may take weeks to complete while you worry about your project. And the best part is, despite all the efforts put by the platform, you can have a team that can fit within your budget too.


Budget-Friendlyand Cost Effective

When you plan your deliverables, you have your overhead costs fixed, with some percentage of extras. When you sign up talents individually, you may have to make efforts to ensure the overalls do not exceed your budget. With team hiring, it becomes easier to workout the monetary part and employ an appropriate team that comes up to your expectations. Since they are already vetted and verified, you do not have to spend anything for the hiring process, too, limiting your expenditure. Platforms such as Codemonk also take care of the paperwork to make it simpler to engage a tech team.

Hassle-free Paperwork and Payroll

When you are chasing timelines and challenging technical aspects, mundane things like paperwork and payroll can slow you down. Outsourcing a team can take care of all these aspects externally, and you can focus on your work. Since you engage the team with a specific budget in mind and settle all monetary components with the agency, your organization can escape the headache of processing payrolls and paperwork. You can escape from employee issues and policy explanations too.


Independence from Employee policiesand issues

One of the significant benefits of a remote and hired tech team is that you and your organization can do away with all the initial formalities. There are no training sessions with HR to explain the policies, and neither are you bound to deal with personal issues if any. All that no-work-related aspects are taken care of by the agency from which you hire them. So, all you need to do with the team you engage is to strike the right balance to make progress on your project. The usual legalities are dealt with to make things easier for you to process and proceed with an experienced team.

The best of all, an experienced teammate your disposal

You need the best talents at your disposal when you have clients to impress and gain. And to achieve that, the team that comes in needs to have the experience and expertise to deal with the lot. So, you need a platform that gives you a pre-made team or talents who have the capabilities to tackle the obstacles put forth to deliver the best to your clients. With an agency hire, you have the freedom of choosing from the lot- be it the experience or expertise, or general ability to deal with the challenges.

So, with all the advantages of engaging a tech team that is work-ready, vetted, and verified, you can have the best of both worlds. CodeMonk offers all this and much more with fool-proof vetting and profile-verifying options.

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