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Why you can't break a forEach loop | ByteSize JS

Jared on March 31, 2020

I recently had a coding interview that involved evaluating one schema against another. The details of it aren't that important, but one thing that ...
folke profile image
Folke Lemaitre • Edited

You can use .every() instead and return false whenever you want to break. Return true to keep going

codenutt profile image

Interesting! Thank you for your insight. I haven't used every much. Very handy!

folke profile image
Folke Lemaitre

.some() is probably even better in most cases. Just return true whenever you need to break. No need to return anything when you want to keep going :)

Thread Thread
codenutt profile image

Sweet! May have to do a deep dive article into all the various loop types.

monfernape profile image
Usman Khalil

This is so helpful

codenutt profile image

Thanks! Any other topics you'd like me to tackle?

kenbellows profile image
Ken Bellows • Edited

Awesome article! Minor nitpick though: Array.prototype.forEach() and its siblings map, filter, reduce, reduceRight, some, and every were all actually introduced back in 2009 with ES5!

I bring this up not for know-it-all points, but because it's important for browser compatibility. Most of these methods are available in browser versions going back 10+ years, which is super important and helpful if, like me, you work in an environment where you still need to maintain support for those browsers 😭

codenutt profile image

Thank you for the correction! I'm the only one who edits these things, so I appreciate any and all feedback. I'll update it to reflect accurate info!

I feel you though, I have to support old browser's too

gnunesleonardo profile image
Leonardo Gomes Nunes

I always remember that forEach() loop can't be break but i never know why, until now haha. Great article, thanks!

codenutt profile image


sunny_chan2012 profile image
Sunny Chan

But why they keep all these different versions of doing the same things? That is, forEach(), every() and some().

szalonna profile image

I mean, you can if you really want: just throw sg from the callback.