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Harshal Ranjhani for CodeParrot

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Fixing “Cannot Use Import Statement Outside a Module” Error

As JavaScript and TypeScript developers, we often encounter unexpected errors while working with different module systems. One common issue is the “Cannot use import statement outside a module” error. It usually crops up when working with modern ES modules (ESM) or dealing with setups involving bundlers like Webpack, Babel, or Node.js environments. In this blog, we'll explore what causes this error, why it happens, and practical solutions to resolve it.

What does this error mean?

The “Cannot use import statement outside a module" error is self-explanatory: it occurs when JavaScript encounters an import statement outside of a valid ES module. In JavaScript, module systems determine how code is split into multiple files and how they interact with each other. ES modules (import/export) and CommonJS (require/module.exports) are the two primary module systems.

If JavaScript doesn’t recognize your code as an ES module, it throws this error.

What Causes the "Cannot Use Import Statement Outside a Module" Error?

This generally occurs when JavaScript/TypeScript encounters an import statement outside of a module context. Which means that the file you're trying to import from is not recognized as an ES module.

Here are some more common reasons why this error might occur:

  • Node.js Using CommonJS by Default: By default, Node.js uses CommonJS (CJS) modules, not ES modules. This means that the import/export syntax is not natively supported unless specified.

  • Misconfigured Babel/Webpack: When bundling your code, tools like Babel or Webpack might not be configured to handle ES modules correctly, especially if the target environment doesn't natively support them.

  • Missing "type": "module" in package.json: If you're using ES modules in a Node.js project, you need to specify it explicitly by adding "type": "module" in your package.json.

  • File Extension Mismatch: Sometimes, using .js instead of .mjs for ES modules or vice versa may result in this error.

Step by Step Solutions

Here are a few solutions to fix the “Cannot use import statement outside a module” error:

  • Enable ES Modules in Node.js:

The most common case is when you're working with Node.js, which defaults to CommonJS modules. To enable ES modules, do the following:

Method 1: Modify package.json:

  "type": "module"
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By adding "type": "module" to your package.json, you're telling Node.js to treat all .js files as ES modules.

Method 2: Rename Files to .mjs:

If you don't want to modify your package.json, you can rename your files to .mjs (e.g., index.mjs) to explicitly indicate that they're ES modules.

  • Update Babel/Webpack Configuration:

If you're using Babel or Webpack, ensure that they're configured to handle ES modules correctly. For Babel, you can use the @babel/preset-modules plugin. For Webpack, set module to false in your configuration.

For Babel: update the .babelrc or babel.config.json file:

  "presets": ["@babel/preset-modules"]
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For Webpack: update the webpack.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',
          options: {
            presets: ['@babel/preset-env']
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  • Check Import Path and Syntax:

Ensure that your import paths are correct and that you're using the correct syntax. For example, relative paths should start with ./ or ../.

If you're importing a module from node_modules, ensure the package supports ES modules. If not, you might need to use a bundler like Webpack to handle it.

  • Double Check File Extensions:

If you're using ES modules, ensure that your file extensions match the module type. Use .mjs for ES modules and .js for CommonJS modules.

  • .mjs: ES modules
  • .cjs: CommonJS modules

What is the Difference Between ES Modules and CommonJS Modules?

So one thing that comes to mind is what is the difference between ES modules and CommonJS modules? And why are there two different module systems in JavaScript?

ES Modules

ES modules are the official JavaScript module system introduced in ES6 (ES2015). They use the import and export keywords to define dependencies between modules. ES modules are statically analyzable, meaning that the dependencies are resolved at compile time, making it easier to optimize code.

ES modules are loaded asynchronously, which allows for better performance and parallel loading of modules. They also support named exports, default exports, and cyclic dependencies. ES modules are widely supported in modern browsers and Node.js (with the "type": "module" flag).

CommonJS Modules

CommonJS is a module system used in Node.js and other environments before ES modules were introduced. CommonJS modules use the require function to import modules and module.exports or exports to export values. CommonJS modules are loaded synchronously, which can lead to performance issues.

CommonJS modules are not natively supported in browsers, but they can be transpiled to ES modules using tools like Babel or Webpack. CommonJS modules are still widely used in Node.js projects, but ES modules are becoming more popular due to their better performance and static analyzability.

The reason why these two module systems exist is due to the evolution of JavaScript and the need for a more modern, standardized module system. ES modules are the future of JavaScript modules, but CommonJS modules are still widely used in existing projects and environments.

Debugging Tips

If you've tried all the solutions above and are still facing the error, here are some additional debugging tips:

  • Check Node.js Version: Ensure you're running Node.js version 12.x or above, as ES modules support was introduced natively in Node.js 12. If you're on an older version, ES modules won't work. Update your version by visiting the Node.js website.

  • Check Browser Support: If you're working in a browser environment, ensure that your browser supports ES modules. Most modern browsers do, but older versions might not.

  • Check for Typos: Sometimes, a simple typo in your code can cause this error. Double-check your code for any spelling mistakes or incorrect syntax.

  • Use npx tsc for TypeScript: If you're using TypeScript and encountering this error, run npx tsc to compile your TypeScript code into JavaScript, which might help spot issues.


The “Cannot use import statement outside a module” error is a common issue faced by JavaScript/TypeScript developers when working with ES modules. By understanding why this error occurs and following the step-by-step solutions provided in this blog, you can resolve it quickly and continue building modular, maintainable code.

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