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Code With Arjun
Code With Arjun

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Programming Language for Bhailog

BhaiLang is a programming language made using syntax familier to Indian language.

For example to print something in bhai it is written

bol bhai "Hello World";
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bol bhai means say in hindi.

Here i will show how to set up bhailang on you machine and write first bhai lang program.

To install you need to have installed node and npm installed into your system. If you haven't please checkout this video.

Mac :
Linux :
Windows :

Once you install node and npm open your terminal and to install bhai lang just type :

npm i -g bhailang
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This should install bhailang on your system. You just need to type sudo npm i -g bhailang for Linux and Mac.

To check if bhailang is installed or not just type

bhailang --version
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To write your first program just open VS code or any Editer and simply create a file with .bhai extension

For example test.bhai

For first program just write :

hi bhai 
 bol bhai "Code With Arjun";
bye bhai
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To run the program just type

bhailang test.bhai 
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And the output will be :

Code With Arjun
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For more detail Please watch this video :

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