First we need to import pickle module (it is a built-in module):
import pickle
Then we will create a function to load the file and return the data
def load_file(filename: str):
with open(filename, 'rb') as c:
l = []
while True:
rec = pickle.load(c)
except EOFError:
return l
except FileNotFoundError:
open(filename, 'w')
print(filename, "was not found, instead it was created!")
Then we will create a function to create data
def add_data(filename: str, data: dict):
with open(filename, "ab") as c:
pickle.dump(data, c)
print('Data inserted successfully!')
opt = input("Do you want to read the data ?\n")
if opt.lower() == 'y':
l = load_file(filename)
for rec in l:
Then we will create a function to update existing data
def update_data(filename: str, data: dict):
recs = load_file(filename)
for i in data:
for rec in recs:
if i in rec:
rec[i] = data[i]
with open(filename, "wb") as c:
for i in recs:
pickle.dump(i, c)
print('Data updated successfully!')
opt = input("Do you want to read the data ?\n")
if opt.lower() == 'y':
l = load_file(filename)
for rec in l:
Then we will create a function to delete data
def delete_data(filename: str, key: str):
recs = load_file(filename)
for rec in recs:
if key in rec:
with open(filename, "wb") as c:
for i in recs:
pickle.dump(i, c)
print('Data deleted successfully!')
opt = input("Do you want to read the data ?\n")
if opt.lower() == 'y':
l = load_file(filename)
for rec in l:
The following fragment will run the entire program:
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = "student.dat"
1. Enter 'c' to create data
2. Enter 'r' to read data
3. Enter 'u' to update existing data
4. Enter 'd' to delete data
ch = 'y'
while ch == 'y':
opt = input('Enter your option: ')
if opt in 'crud':
if opt == 'c':
name = input('Enter student name: ')
roll = input('Enter student roll no: ')
marks = input('Enter student marks: ')
data = {name: [roll, marks]}
add_data(filename, data)
if opt == 'r':
l = load_file(filename)
for rec in l:
if opt == 'u':
name = input('Enter student name (whose data is to be updated): ')
roll = input('Enter student roll no: ')
marks = input('Enter student marks: ')
data = {name: [roll, marks]}
update_data(filename, data)
if opt == 'd':
name = input('Enter student name (whose data is to be deleted): ')
delete_data(filename, name)
ch = input('Do you want to continue ?: (y for Yes or n for No)').lower()
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